Page 20 of Marco DeLuca

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RAH ORDERED THE PIZZAand picked up the paper and plastic supplies at the dollar store while I went home, showered, and got into comfortable clothes.

Once I’d finished showering and dressing, I found out that Rah had let herself in and the pizza had been delivered. We settled in for our dinner.

“Do you think the other ladies bought it?” I ask.

I’d told her what the bartender had shared with me the night I met up with Marco, and then I slipped off on the pretense of going to the restroom. After a while, when I texted Rashida to let her know I wouldn’t be returning, she told the girls that I’d caught an Uber home because I didn’t feel well.

“They bought it but had a lot of questions.”


“Like, why the hell you didn’t tell them so that we could take you home? You looked okay to them. What did the bartender want?”

“What’d you tell them, girl?”

“Made up some bullshit. You wanted everyone to have fun and didn’t want to ruin it so you didn’t tell anyone that you weren’t okay. Told them that the bartender said all the drinks for the rest of the night were on the house in honor of your engagement.”

Laughing, I reply, “It’s a good thing that he came through on that one, huh?”

“Those drinks were no skin off Marco’s nose.”

As my thoughts meander from that night to today’s work progress, we eat in silence.

“What’s so urgent about having a speedy wedding?” Rashida asks, changing the subject after she chews the last bite of her first slice of sausage, pepperoni, anchovies, and pineapple pizza.

“It’s what Kenneth wants. It’s all a part of the plan his committee is laying down to prepare for his run in a few years,” I say before taking a bite into my veggie supreme pizza.

“I don’t understand it. You’re going through an awful lot to please Kenneth’s ass these days. I remember there was a time if he got too far out of line, you’d kick his ass back in line.”

I slowly chew my pizza as I consider my words trying not to sound too desperate.

“Well, I’m about to be a wife, and it’s time I start behaving as one especially a Senator’s wife.”

“Biggest crock of shit I’ve ever heard,” Rashida murmurs, rolling her eyes and taking a sip of wine before reclining on my couch and kicking her feet up and down over the arm of the sofa.

“What do you mean?”

“I don’t know...I get the feeling that you’re more in love with the idea of being in love than you are in love with Kenneth.”

“Don’t say that, Rah.”

“Girl, please. You still haven’t told me what went down in that exclusive suite you were invited to. Every time I bring it up, you shut your mouth tighter than a five-dollar hooker shuts her legs after she’s been stiffed by a john. When I asked what happened between you and Marco, your mouth wasn’t open as wide as I bet your legs were when you were with him.”

I don’t utter a word. I shove a slice of pizza down my throat. If only she knew. It wasn’t my legs that were open wide but my damn mouth.

She rolls her eyes and sucks her teeth. I watch her lift another slice of pizza and fold it in half before taking a bite.

“Mmm,” she groans wickedly as if she were getting the best sex in the world. When she finishes, she bites her bottom lip and narrows her eyes.

“What?” I ask.

“What do you mean ‘what’?”

“You only start doing that when you’ve got something to say that you know I don’t want to hear.”

“Well, oookaaay, since you asked.”
