Page 30 of Marco DeLuca

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These fuckers are inmy home touching shit that they can’t afford. Leaving their dirty smirch marks on everything and sticking their fucking noses where they don’t belong.

I should put a bullet in all of their foreheads, right between the eyes.

“Mr. DeLuca, we understand that there was tension between your wife and you,” the reed-thin man with muddy brown hair asks.

I stare at him and imagine three specific ways to make the man suffer. I don’t need more than that. Whoever the fuck in my camp has been talking to the police will get a bullet. Loyalty means everything in my world.

“Mr. DeLuca, did you hear me?” he repeats.

“I heard you.”

“Why aren’t you answering?”

“I didn’t hear a fucking question.”

He sighs, consults the little notepad again, and looks back at me.

“Who would have a reason to murder your wife, Mr. DeLuca? Did you perhaps have a reason to get rid of her? Maybe she found out about your mistress that you keep at your brother’s place.”

This asshole knows too much about me, and I don’t like it. Alessandro catches my eye and nods before he heads out of the room.

“Do you think that if I’d done that, you’d find her body in my home? On my fucking property? Do you even think you’d find a fucking body at all? You think I’d do anything to let your punk asses in my house?”

There’s tense silence before I speak again.

“Are you charging me with murdering my wife, Mr. Greco?” I ask in a tight voice.

“No, sir. I’m just doing my job, checking off the boxes and asking all the questions to ensure we get justice. You do want us to get justice, don’t you, Mr. DeLuca?”

“I don’t need your fucking justice, Mr. Greco. The only thing I want right now is for you fuckers to get off my property.”

“Well, we are in the middle of a murder investigation, so—”

“Mr. Greco, we appreciate your commitment to your job. As you may appreciate, my son is devastated and in shock over losing his wife. Perhaps, you may give us some time... a day or two, to come back and ask the pertinent questions. No?” my father asks.

It’s not really a question but a suggestion. A strong one that Franco Greco recognizes as such.

The policeman eyes my father candidly before turning his gaze back to me.

“I just want to get to the bottom of this situation and give your son the answers he deserves, Mr. DeLuca.”

“I’m sure you do, and that’s what we also want. As I said, he needs time to process. His life has just been devastated. Surely, Chief Esposito will appreciate that you have taken good care of his dear friends, the DeLucas,” my father says.

There’s no accident in him mentioning the chief. My father is good friends with the chief of police, and I know he’ll smooth things over. I’m not worried about that shit. They’re holding me up from searching for the bastards who dared think they could touch a DeLuca; the cunts who dared step onto my property touching anything that belonged to me.

I’ve been worse since they rolled her body out of our home; the home we’ve shared for the duration of our marriage.

The police leave, and my father returns to the den with Antonio and Alessandro.

“We must find who did this before the police,” my father announces after the doors are closed and locked.

“Think it may have something to do with the Colombo family?” Antonio poses.

“I don’t know, but I’ve got a guy checking into it,” Alessandro says.

My father discusses the plan to inform Graziella’s family of her demise. Then he discusses having the family look into the murder. None of this bullshit matters to me.

The only thing I can focus on is someone dared step foot on my property. They dared touch my wife. Our marriage wasn’t traditional, but still, she was mine.
