Page 119 of Take Me With You

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“I don’t know where I’d go or what I might do.”

“Travel the world. Sample strange pussy.”

“I’m not you,” I snarl.

“Okay. Then sample familiar pussy. How about the chick from Mal and Kostas’s wedding?”

“What chick?”

“Mal’s best friend. The one that you were hanging around for a while. What happened to her anyway?”

“You’re talking about Champion?”

“Yeah. Wonder how she got that name,” my brother leers.

Shaking my head, I say, “You’re incorrigible. No. She’s just a friend.”

“You can fuck friends and keep it moving.”

“No. She’s truly a friend. Besides, she’s in a relationship with Rick.”

“As in Merrick?”


“How fucking cliché. The best man and the maid of honor,” he scoffs.

“No worse than one of the groomsmen fucking his way through the bridesmaids.”

“Right. I sampled various pussy that weekend and enjoyed them all. No strings. And I’m a better man for it.”

“If you say so,” I reply, heading back into the den, where my brother follows me.

I drop down in my armchair, placing my feet on the ottoman and resting my hands on my head.

“Just reach out to her and give her a chance to explain. Figure out if she’s really into you and what you can do to win her from him. If you can, then great. If not, you’ll know you gave it your all, and there won’t be any regrets or what-ifs afterward. You can walk into running the company with no baggage. Free and clear of everything to be the Maxwell man you were groomed to be.”

“I’m so fucking angry at her. Why would I fucking chase her, Shep?”

“Because you love her.”


IWILL NEVER ADMITit to him but Shep’s right. Anything worth having at all is worth fighting for. I didn’t get the position as incumbent CEO ofThe Maxwell Groupjust because I’m David Kensington Briggs Maxwell’s son.

I got the position by working my ass off and proving I was worthy of it. Yes, Dad wanted me to sit in his seat, but a few other executives were just as worthy as I was. Just as bright and just as hungry for it.

I had one advantage that they didn’t, being the founder and owner’s son, which didn’t guarantee me the position. That guaranteed I had more to prove, and I worked even harder than the rest. They thought I would be lax and take my position for granted, but I didn’t, and they underestimated me.

Now I’m here.

I know that I have to have the same mentality about Nia. I didn’t go after Claire with a vengeance.

Not because she wasn’t smart, beautiful, or witty enough. Not because she couldn’t hold her own in a group of politicians and athletes.

Claire was down to earth, funny, and a beast in the boardroom. She was even hotter in bed, got my kink, and never judged me because of it, but she went darker than I did.

I was crazy about Claire and loved being around her. I didn’t chase Claire because I realized I didn’t love her. It made no sense to ask her to sacrifice her career for me or for me to sacrifice mine for her when I knew that neither of us felt that way.
