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“I know he will. It’s why this is so easy for me to do. Now, that’s our cue,” she said as the music switched over to announce her arrival. “Walk me down the aisle?”

“Only this once,” Thomas stated wrapping her hand around his elbow with a smile.

“That’s all I need Dad,” she promised the butterflies playing inside her stomach.

They moved to the end of the aisle and she saw the crowd gathered. There were nearly a thousand guests there, but she only had eyes for Stefano as he stepped forward at the end of the long aisle. She couldn’t see his eyes but the way his shoulders lifted and the smile that touched his lips told her that he approved of her dress choice.

Her father gently settled her hand into Stefano’s after confirming that he and her mom were the ones giving her away, a little old-fashioned but touching all the same. Hailey handed her bouquet off to Olympia glad she’d chosen her as her maid-of-honor over her other girlfriends. She was closer to her than them anymore and she didn’t doubt it would remain true once she convinced Stefano to make her his true bride.

Her gaze stayed with his during the better part of the ceremony, barely leaving him to lift his ring from the bible and slide it onto his finger. His caressed her hand as he slipped hers onto her finger and she gave him a smile as he lifted it to press a kiss over it.

“I now pronounce you man and wife, you may kiss your bride, Stefano,” she heard their preacher announce and the instant his lips settled onto hers, she knew it was different.

The kiss was soft, sensual, and promising, telling her and everyone else present that soon his lips would be discovering every inch of her body, that she was his completely now, and that he’d gotten what he wanted. It should have angered her, but it didn’t, instead it filled her with desperate want for him, and she knew he owned every part of her.

“You’re mine now,pethi mou,” he said softly against her lips as they parted the look in his eyes far more possessive than she’d ever imagined, but it didn’t scare her in the least.

“Just as you are mine,” she countered, and he nodded allowing the preacher to announce them as Mr. and Mrs. for the first time.

They treated their guests to a cocktail hour while they took photos, unfortunately having to include Kyra and Demetrius who both looked sour in theirs before they could go onto the reception. She hadn’t seen the finished product, but she knew Gina had incorporated the photos just the way she wanted.

“Are you going to tell me about this special secret surprise you arranged now?” Stefano asked as he led them over to it with the wedding party and close family.

“Not yet, you’ll see soon enough,” she promised stopping back to let the others go in first so they could be introduced. “You’ll like it. I know you will.”

“Not even a little hint?” he asked pulling her up against him letting his eyes roam over her incredible body encased in soft supple lace.

“I redid the center pieces on the tables but that’s all I’m going to say,” she answered earning questioning looks from their mothers.

“Really? That’s it?” he asked, and she shrugged giving him the secretive little grin that made him want to know more, lifting her breasts the tiniest bit pulling his gaze down to them. “I suppose it can’t be too bad, not when it comes from you. I don’t think I ever mentioned how beautiful you look in your dress, did I?”

“We were otherwise preoccupied, so you’re forgiven,” she replied smiling when he kissed her fully as the others went into the reception area.

“You’re stunning and it is the absolute perfect dress for you my love,” he said although no one was around to hear, making her heart flutter as she smiled at him.

“Thank you, you look amazing in the tux.”

“But it’s not even close to you, and it’s now time to say hello to our guests,” he added hearing the announcement. He took her hand, walking them into the area, his gaze drawn to the tables, seeing the different picture frames sitting on each.

He saw one with him, his grandparents, and his father sitting at a table filled with his cousins from his father side and pressed a kiss to her temple. He led her up towards the front, saw the tears sparkling in the eyes of his grandfather, his mother, her parents, and her grandparents and took a glance at the pictures sitting on the tables.

“This is what you were up to?” he asked finding one of him and his father sitting next to one of he and his grandmother on his family’s table and she nodded. “What would I do without you my darling angel?”

“Be miserable and lonely,” she suggested earning a kiss from him before leading her over to his mother and grandfather.

“Oh Hailey…” Elena said hugging her tightly. “This is…it’s incredible my sweet daughter.”

“You better be good to her my boy,” Theo said squeezing Hailey’s hands before dropping kisses on her cheeks. “If I ever hear you’ve upset her, you will answer to me.”

“I could never upset her, it would destroy me too much to do so,” Stefano reassured his grandfather before moving them over to her family’s table.

“I don’t think I’ve ever seen anything more beautiful,” her mom said with a glance at the photo of her mother with them.

“The only thing more perfect than the centerpieces is her sweet heart,” Stefano agreed pressing another kiss to her temple letting her grandparents hug her and he shook hands with Thomas.

“All we ask is that you love her as much as you do today on the day you walk your daughter down the aisle,” Thomas stated and Stefano gave him a smile before looking down into Hailey’s eyes, unable to hide the full effect of his love for her.

“I will love her even more than what I feel for her today on that day. Each day that I can call her mine deepens what I feel for her and it will not stop now that she is fully mine,” he replied making her heart flutter again as they took their seats.
