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“Yes, it is the sexiest thing I’ve ever known, something so pure that can never be taken away from you. No matter how adventurous we get whilst making love, you will always carry that touch of innocence that is intoxicating to me.”

“I see so had I not been a virgin you wouldn’t have wanted me the same way?” she questioned lifting a brow at him wanting the truth.

“Had you not been a virgin I would not have waited until our wedding night to make you mine. I would have done that the night I told you we were going to tell the world we were engaged.”

“Whether I wanted it or not?”

“You would have recognized what I know deep within my darling, together we create magic. One kiss would have been enough to bring you to me. I would then have insisted on a hurried wedding because I would not have wanted to lose another moment with you. But that does not matter because you are my innocent now are you not,yineka mou?”

“I am and you are my fiercely loyal and ardent lover, my husband,” she said against his lips kissing him until they docked.

It was late when they flew home, and Stefano wrapped her up in his arms guiding her off the plane towards their waiting car. Karl gave them smiles and greeted her warmly before taking them directly home where Stefano again carried her over the threshold and up the stairs. This time there was no question which bed he would use or how they would end their evening together.

He woke her with a sweet kiss and breakfast in the morning, letting her slip into her robe because she wasn’t entirely sure of eating completely nude. She talked him into a ride after their breakfast knowing the horses would feel neglected after three weeks alone, and they spied the visiting cars when they came back into the paddock.

“Go say hello, I will get them settled,” Stefano stated dropping a kiss onto her lips.

Hailey moved across the yard giving her parents, Theo, and Elena hugs before sharing a full smile with Olympia seeing the ring on her hand and the look in her eyes.

“Will you be my maid, sorry, matron-of-honor?” Olympia implored and she gave her a hug agreeing instantly.

“Of course, when are you thinking of having the wedding?” she asked earning questioning looks from those present and her cheeks flushed.

“We were thinking this November unless it is a problem for Stefano to allow Xavier time off,” Olympia said tacking on, “Why? Is there some reason you wouldn’t want to wait nearly five months to be my matron-of-honor?”

“What have you said to make my wife blush so sweetly?” Stefano asked and she saw the men they’d arranged to help with the horses had taken over for him.

“Just wondering if you were busy on your honeymoon,” Elena stated making her blush harder.

“Ah my poor sweet wife, don’t tease my dearest so much, Mother or she won’t wish to make you a grandmother soon,” Stefano replied resting his head against Hailey’s fitting her back into his body fully as he soothed a hand up and down her arm.

“It is too soon to know anything,” Hailey said resting her hand on Stefano’s arm as he surrounded her. “I have no problems with being your matron-of-honor in November should we have gotten blessed whilst on our honeymoon. I am so happy for you and Xavier, Olympia.”

“No happier than I am for you and Stefano, he has obviously made you quite happy and I hope to look a tenth as relaxed when we return from our own,” Olympia replied, and Stefano let out a light laugh.

“I dare say Xavier had better or I will be answering to your father for him,” he mused before leading the group into the house for lunch, which Xavier joined them for, leaving all talk of work for tomorrow beyond the request to take off in November.

“When are you leaving for Greece, Grandfather?” Hailey asked as they moved into the salon to visit and she realized that Nikolas wasn’t with them for the first time, but she didn’t dare say anything about it now.

“I imagine I will be heading back once the weather starts to turn cooler here, say the end of ‘the season’ as Elena calls your social events.”

“Sounds wonderful,” she stated sitting next to him while Stefano sat across the room watching her with soft eyes, caressing her with them. “I am so happy we get to spend more time together.”

“So am I my sweet Granddaughter. I know my grandson has excellent tastes, it may have been questionable for a few years there, but in the end, he discovered what was always in front of him and I am thankful that you share his love in return,” Theo said before asking Stefano to get something from the car for him.

Hailey watched as Stefano returned to the room carrying a padded box and she glanced up at him in question of what was going on but the look he gave her in return said he didn’t know anything more than she did. He handed the box to Theo who ran a hand over the top with a loving caress.

“I had this brought from Greece after your wedding, until then I had forgotten about it but your thoughtfulness, your inclusion of my love, made me remiss that I had not brought it here before then, had not allowed you to wear it as you should have to marry my grandson,” Theo stated before lifting the top of the box to show her a stunning gold and diamond necklace.

“Grandfather…it’s beautiful,” Hailey said giving him a smile. “Please don’t feel remiss; I did not wear a necklace for the jewelry I wished to display came from Stefano and your love. I would be honored to wear it for another occasion though.”

“Perhaps a christening in the next year or so,” Theo suggested making her laugh catching Stefano’s eyes as awareness came into them.

“I am doing my best Grandfather,” Stefano replied as Elena smiled at them.

“You will look beautiful whenever and wherever you wear this at and I will always smile because I do think a piece of Mother made its way into you my sweet daughter,” Elena stated putting tears into her eyes.

“She is,” Stefano agreed lifting her hand to kiss her fingers. “Thank you for this Grandfather, we will both cherish it.”
