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“Those women wanted you desperately Stefano,” she said once they were in the car.

“And now they believe I am taking you home to nap so that I can have my wicked way with you all night long.”

“You didn’t want them in the least?” she questioned, and he reached over, cupping her cheek with a soft kiss.

“You are the only woman I need or want, the only one I require in order to breathe and think rationally. I will remain faithful to you until my last breath,” he said and her heart beat faster, fluttering sensations that made her stomach tingle.

“That will not be for a very long time, promise me that,” she said clutching at the back of his neck.

“You are stuck with me for the next fifty to sixty years minimum,agape mou, that I promise you,” he said, and she leaned into his kiss, holding him close until they were home.

Chapter 19


ow was the doctor’s appointment?” Olympia asked sliding her arm through Hailey’s as they stepped off the elevator to go meet Stefano and Xavier for dinner at their home.

“Very informative,” Hailey said unable to stop from smiling. “I swear Stefano had tears in his eyes when he heard the heartbeats.”

“Of course, he did, he knows that your child is the fullest expression of his love for you.”

“Well, I’m sure Grandfather will be quite pleased with Stefano when we tell the family our news later tonight,” she said, and Olympia’s gaze slid over her in question.

“It is too early to know if it is a boy and your family already knows you are pregnant, what other news could there be?” Olympia asked and she stopped in the middle of the lobby turning around to face her.

“We’re having twins,” Hailey said watching Olympia’s eyes grow large with surprise and happiness for them. “Stefano is beside himself with joy. If it weren’t for the meeting today, I don’t think, we would have left the house this morning.”

“I very much doubt it too,” Olympia agreed. “Theo will be ecstatic with the knowledge that he will not only be having a great-grandchild in seven months but two. It will ease his mind for when he returns to Greece next week.”

“It will,” she agreed as the lobby door opened. She turned expecting to find Stefano there and her smiled faded seeing the person moving quickly across the lobby towards her.

“Hailey, are you alright?” Olympia asked seeing her face lose its color.

“Hailey, I thought that was you the other week. I’ve missed you my beauty,” Elliot stated ignoring her attempt to step away from him as his arms slid around her, pulling her up against him. She pushed on his chest, turning her head aside to stop his kiss from landing as panic welled up inside her. This was not happening, not now, not ever.

“Get your handsoffher!” Stefano’s authoritative voice rent the air and Elliot turned to look at him as he was pulled away from her.

“Easy, my man,” Elliot said with a smile. “She’s my fiancée.”

“What?” Olympia gasped and Hailey saw Stefano’s eyes darken with anger.

“It is impossible for Hailey to be your fiancée when she is mywife,” he stated, his eyes glowering at Elliot whose turn it was to be surprised.

“Hailey, my beauty, what is this ape talking about? I’ve only been away for eight months and you promised that when I returned, we’d go forward with our plans,” Elliot said and she shook her head at him, stepping over into Stefano’s protective hold.

“You’ve been gone well over a year Elliot and I never promised you anything. I told you to get out of my life,” she said shaking slightly as Stefano’s hand slid around her, drawing her closer to him.

“This is Elliot?” Stefano asked and she nodded watching his eyes darken further. “You would be wise to turn around and leave. Come near my wife and I will show you what I do to men like you. There will be nowhere for you to hide if you ever lay a hand on her again, and should you do so in anger ever again…”

“What?” Elliot said with a smile. “She enjoyed everything we did together. She’s simply a tease and will soon betray you because that’s simply who she is.”

“Get out Elliot, before my husband murders you for false accusations against me,” Hailey said holding onto Stefano’s arm tightly when he began to step around her. “I personally don’t care if you never return but I will not be without him.”

“Aww, don’t tell me you finally found a puppet who likes you pulling the strings. Tell me…are you even a woman yet or is he too weak to make you sleep with him as I tried?” Elliot crowed and Stefano’s rage hit an all-time high.

Hailey gasped as he stepped around her in an instant, putting space between her and Elliot while decking the man with a swift blow. Olympia and Xavier hurried to her side as Elliot straightened lunging for Stefano, but he was bigger, quicker, and sent Elliot flying across the lobby. She was terrified that Stefano would lose control of himself altogether, but a security officer hurried into the space, grabbing Elliot before Stefano could lay his hands on him again.

“No one talks to my wife like that, especially not a swine like you who had the nerve to try any of what you did and then come back around. You are finished. No one will dare go against the Zeno empire and if youevercome near my love again…you will be permanently finished,” Stefano said his voice sharp enough to cut diamonds.
