Page 22 of Bratva's Captive

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"It was my pleasure, Adalina," I reply, trying to keep my voice from sounding too cocky. "Just be careful. I don't want you to get into any trouble." I can't help but feel a bit confused by my own feelings towards her. I never thought I would be the one to give a damn about someone else's well-being, but here I am, feeling concerned about this girl whom I just met.

She nods solemnly. "I'll be careful. Thank you again, Nikolai." With those words, she enters the hotel, and she fades from my sight.


I find myself unable to resist stepping back outside the door of my hotel, gazing after Nikolai as he walks away. His broad shoulders gradually fade into the night, leaving behind a profound sense of longing within me. It's an emptiness that clings to me, refusing to dissipate. Part of me wants to call out to him, to chase after him and plead for him to stay, but deep down, I understand the futility of it all. In just a few days, I will be marrying Mario. There is no future for me and my mysterious man, Nikolai.

The final kiss he gave me sent my heart racing, my body irresistibly drawn to his like a magnet. As our lips reluctantly parted, our eyes locked in a gaze, and I glimpsed a vulnerability, a tenderness in Nikolai that ignited a swell of emotions within me. In that fleeting moment, I recognized the potential to fall in love with this enigmatic man, and I didn’t want to say goodbye.

Standing alone in front of my hotel, I bear the weight of his absence like a physical ache. I close my eyes and inhale deeply, attempting to soothe the turbulent storm of emotions raging inside me. I must summon strength and carry on with my life, but it proves to be a formidable task. Nikolai had awakened sensations within me that I had never experienced before, and now he was gone.

Chapter 11


I walk away from Adalina, a twisted satisfaction settling within me as I reflect on having taken the innocence of a woman who is engaged to a mafia boss. Once I send the photos to Alfonso, Adalina's life will be in danger. I can only hope that the bastard doesn’t kill her. Not that I care. My focus remains on my mission, and I cannot allow Adalina’s future to cloud my judgment. Nevertheless, I know that the memory of tonight will linger in my mind for quite some time. I can't deny the thrill of popping her cherry, and the passion that flowed between us. Even though I try never to fuck women twice, I think I would make an exception for Adalina. Our bodies just fit together so well. Too bad I will never see her again. I can’t wait to text Maria the nude pic I took of Adalina on his wedding night. I only hope he doesn’t beat the shit out of her – she doesn’t deserve that.

After escorting Adalina back to her hotel, I power on my phone, only to be bombarded with notifications. Swiftly, I send a message to my driver, instructing him to meet me on the corner, and dial Misha's number, anxious to find out what is happening.

"What's going on?" I demand as soon as Misha picks up.

"We were attacked!" Misha replies urgently.

"Velvet Handcuffs?" I ask, thinking of our recent run-in with the Outfit.

"No, it's Ivan's place, an adult bookstore in the Russian neighborhood. I texted your driver to meet me there."

I feel my adrenaline spike as I realize that we're under attack again. I had hoped to return to the compound and rest after my little tryst with Adalina, but it seems that won't be possible.

As I make my way to the bookstore, my mind races with possibilities. Who could be behind this attack? The Outfit? A rival gang? Or perhaps someone else entirely? My questions are quickly pushed aside as I arrive at the scene of the attack, and I ready myself for whatever shit next.

As our car comes to a halt in front of the store, I can already see the orange glow of flames flickering through the windows. Thick, black smoke rises up into the night sky, staining it with a smoky haze. I step out of the car and the heat of the fire hits me like a wave, making me feel like I'm standing too close to an oven. The sound of crackling flames fills the air, and the acrid smell of smoke makes me want to cough. Fuck!

Misha is standing with a man who looks to be in his fifties, waving his arms frantically as he watches his livelihood go up in flames. I approach them, my eyes fixed on the inferno before us. The heat from the flames is intense, and the smell of smoke and burning wood fills my nostrils. The storefront's big sign, advertising an Adult Book store, is now charred and crumbling. The fire department has already arrived and is hosing down the blaze, but it looks like a lost cause.

"What's going on?" I shout at Misha, my voice elevated to overcome the deafening roar of the fire.

Misha turns to me, his face grim. "Ivan's bookstore was torched," he replies grimly. "Arson.

My jaw clenches with anger. "Any idea who did it?"

Misha's response is bitter. "Who else. The Outfit. Alfonso's retaliation for burning down his massage parlor. I think they are sending us a message.”

I nod, understanding. This is a warning, a reminder of the power struggle happening beneath the surface of Chicago's criminal underworld. The man next to Misha is still ranting and raving in rapid-fire Russian, his voice laced with anger and frustration., but I barely hear him. My attention is fixed on the flames, watching as they consume everything in their path. The fire department and police are now joined by a growing crowd of onlookers, gawking at the spectacle.

"Was anybody hurt?" I ask.

"Ivan got out just in time. The place was empty. But he was paying us for protection, and he's angry. He offered the girls from Velvet Handcuffs a place to work out of the back until they could find other jobs. Now that's gone too."

I turn to Misha. "Tell Ivan the Bratva will help him rebuild his bookstore. Get our men to keep an eye out. If this is the Outfit, they won't stop here."

He nods, already on it. I watch as he disappears into the night, his form silhouetted by the flickering light of the fire. This is just the beginning, I know. The battle for Chicago's criminal underworld is heating up, and I intend to come out on top.

Misha and I settle into my SUV, and I lean back, interlocking my fingers together, deep in thought. The air inside the vehicle is charged with tension as I consider my next move.

"It's a good thing we beefed up security at Velvet Handcuffs," Misha remarks, his voice tinged with concern.

I nod, my gaze sweeping the surroundings, alert for any signs of trouble.

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