Page 44 of Bratva's Captive

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I watch as Adalina takes off her cover up and sits on the edge of the pool wearing a very tiny white bikini. I see apprehension on her face and something else that I can’t place. I feel a jolt of possession and anger – I hope none of my men saw her walking around the compound dressed like that. Adalina’s body is not for their eyes.

Fuck! That white bikini! I bet it is transparent when wet. I long to see that wet bikini clinging to her tits, pussy, and ass. I bet the cold pool water will make her pink nipples as hard as diamonds. I still savor the taste of her wet pink pussy from the night I popped her cherry. I have to keep telling myself that she is off limits.

I climb out of the pool and sit down next to her. I can’t keep my hands off of her as I tell her she shouldn’t be here. I run my hand up a naked thigh teasing her. My hand stops at the edge of her bikini bottoms. The urge to fuck her is overwhelming. I ignore my hard, eager cock.

“Osip tells me you haven’t shown up for dinner in two weeks. Why not?” I ask. Not that I care, I am just curious.

“Why did you miss me?”

“No. Not at all. I am just curious.” I raise my eyebrows. I squeeze her toned thigh.

“Why should I bother to go to dinner when you and Misha ignore me, Maxim stares at my boobs, and Tatyana insults me. I prefer eating alone in my room.”

I slide into the water. Then I grab Adalina’s long legs and pull her into the pool. She squeals.

“What are you doing?”

“Getting you wet.” I can see goosebumps on her arms.

She pushes me. She is not strong enough to move me. I just laugh.

“I hate you!”


I am right her white bikini is transparent when wet. I want to put my hands and mouth all over her bouncing bobbling tits. When Adalina notices me staring at her chest, she starts hitting and splashing me. There is a small, hesitant smile on her lovely face. I feel warmth in my chest and that gnawing in my gut again. Fuck! I should have ignored her and left the pool.

I swim a lap lengthwise, and Adalina matches my pace right beside me. Her body moves with grace as she effortlessly glides through the water. Despite my best efforts, I can't deny the attraction, I feel towards her. This gnawing in my gut confuses me. As the head of the Chicago Bratva and a former assassin, I have faced countless dangers and have been in control of my emotions. So, why does this 18-year-old girl have such a hold on me? It's a unfamiliar feeling I struggle to understand and push aside. I remind myself of my past, my profession, and the impossibility of any connection between us. I must dismiss these thoughts as foolish and focus on the tasks at hand.

After a few laps, Adalina flips over and floats on her back. Her wet tits are sticking out of the pool. I just want to put my hands and mouth on them.

I imagine her emerging from the water, her wet hair cascading down her shoulders, I can feel my resolve not to touch her slipping away. I wade over and stand next to her. Adalina looks peaceful floating on top of the water. Too peaceful. I splash her.

She lets out a scream and retaliates by splashing me back. As her arms move, her tits bounce with the motion. My resolve weakens, and I struggle to maintain control. The self-control I once had starts to slip away, especially when it concerns her. I find myself losing self-control in her presence.

In a moment of impulse, I grip her waist and press her against the side of the pool with my arms.

Her body is drenched, and she looks stunning.

"Let me go!" Adalina pushes against my chest, but her touch lingers longer than necessary.

"You didn't object the other day when you were sucking me off," I remark.

"You're repulsive!"

I want to kiss her. I want to do nasty things to her. I want to fuck her into next week. Fuck! What am I doing? Before I can stop myself, I grab her chin with my hand and hold her head up. I lower my mouth to her pink fluffy lips.

“Ahem.” Tatyana says as she stands over us, arms crossed over her chest. She is pissed.

I pull away from Adalina.

“What?” I ask Tatyana, annoyed.

“Misha needs to talk to you and sent me to look for you, since you haven’t been answering your phone.”

“Fuck.” I say as I pull myself out of the pool. I know I have a massive hard on.

Tatyana immediately looks at my crotch and raises her eyebrows.

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