Page 45 of Bratva's Captive

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I grab a towel and wrap it around my waist. As I walk out of the pool area, I glance over my shoulder at Adalina. She is floating on her back again in the pool. Her tits look like buoys bobbing up and down in the water. I imagine what it would be like to fuck those heavy milky tits

As I walk away from the pool I keep telling myself that Adalina is nothing but a toy, means nothing to me, but deep down I wonder if there is something there, something I can’t ignore.But he knows that he can't act on those feelings, not when she is still his prisoner. He tries to push his emotions aside, telling himself that he is just being foolish, but deep down he knows that there is something there, something that he can't ignore.

As I walk away from the pool, I repeat to myself that Adalina is merely a toy, someone who holds no significance in my life. However, deep within, I can't help but wonder if there is a connection between us, something I can't brush off. Yet, I understand that acting on this connection is out of the question, given that she is still my captive. I suppress these thoughts, considering them foolish. There is no bond between us, and there never will be.


As we swam together, I couldn't ignore the connection I felt with Nikolai. However, I constantly reminded myself of the reality—I was his prisoner, and I couldn't let my emotions cloud my judgment.

When Nikolai firmly gripped my waist and trapped me against the pool's edge with his strong arms, I almost swooned as a wave of sensations washed over me. His warm breath brushed against my face, and his intense body heat enveloped me. I couldn't help but notice the water droplets on his eyelashes, accentuating his piercing blue eyes. He was so close, almost close enough to kiss. His handsomeness and undeniable masculinity were captivating. It was hard to resist his commanding presence, and a deep longing stirred within me. I could feel wetness between my thighs that was not pool water.

As he gently lifted my chin with his rough, calloused hand, I thought for a moment that he might kiss me. The confusion he evoked was unlike anything I had experienced before. I, too, desired him, but deep down, I knew his actions were nothing more than taunting. It was painful to yearn for his touch, knowing the truth of our circumstances.

I watched Nikolai as he exited the pool and dried himself off. His glistening physique under the lights was a sight to behold. With a towel wrapped around his waist, his well-defined six-pack abs were on full display. He exuded an undeniable aura of power. His swim shorts do nothing to hide his bulging manhood. I couldn't help but remember the size of his cock, causing my thighs to clench involuntarily.

Turning over and floating on my back, I caught a glimpse of Nikolai's lingering gaze upon my wet breasts before he departed. The sensation caused my nipples to harden, an undeniable response to his attention.

Unfortunately, Tatyana remains in the pool area, her disapproving expression fixes upon me. Ignoring her, I continued to float on my back.

"Keep your hands off Nikolai. He is mine. We share a history," Tatyana warns with a smirk.

I stand up, meeting her gaze. She is nothing but a jealous bitch.

"I highly doubt that," I retort, a laugh escaping my lips.

"You can't fool me! I see how you ogle him. He is out of your league. He will never fuck you. You're not his type," Tatyana smirks.

"Tatyana, he has already fucked me," I declare with a proud smile.

Tatyana storms away from the pool, her stiletto heels clicking angrily as she hurries down the hallway.


I take a quick shower and throw on a pair of sweatpants and a white t-shirt before I head to my office. I push all thoughts of Adalina from my mind.

I grab a cup of coffee from the kitchen and sit down at my desk.

Misha is sitting in front of me, looking nervous. "There you are," he says.

Misha’s presence annoys me, but I know I have to listen to his update on Maxim. I take a sip of my coffee, trying to calm my irritation.

"What is it?" I reply, my tone sharp. I don't have time for small talk.

"I just wanted to update you on Maxim," Misha says, looking down at his phone. "Alexei found out that the motel is owned by a shell corporation with ties to Europe, so there's no risk of any backlash on us. The motel was paid for with cash."

I nod. "Good. Anything else?"

Misha hesitates for a moment before answering. "No, nothing in his bank records. No big withdrawals from any of his accounts. It's strange how he bought a motel without a mortgage."

"He must be working with somebody," I say, thinking out loud. "Look at the data from the tracker on his car. See if he has gone anywhere unusual."

"I did. Nothing," Misha says, shaking his head.

"What about his cellphone records? Anything out of the ordinary?"

"No, nothing."

"He must have a burner phone stashed somewhere. Search his room. Keep an eye on him. I don't trust that little fucker," I say, feeling my anger rise again. Maxim's involvement in human trafficking is one thing, but his shady business dealings are another. I detest secrets.
