Page 46 of Bratva's Captive

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Misha nods, looking relieved that I didn't take my anger out on him. I finish of my coffee, feeling the caffeine kick in. This situation with Maxim is far from over.

I watch as Misha leaves my office before spinning my chair around. I stare at the wall, debating whether to make myself another cup of coffee or pour a glass of scotch. My thoughts keep drifting to Adalina. Fucking bloody hell! She's under my skin, and I can't shake her off. I can't believe I almost kissed her. The thought of tasting her mouth makes me groan inwardly.

I run my hand through my hair in frustration, trying to shake off the thoughts of her. I'm no longer interested in the escort service or hooking up with some random woman. I grab my phone and text the service to cancel. I wish I had someone to torture and maim, that always relaxes me.

The rest of the day, I keep myself busy with errands. I visit the warehouse to make sure my designer cocaine is stored safely and accounted for. I then stop by Velvet Handcuffs to check on the remodel, and I'm pleased with what I see. The construction workers have almost finished, and the place looks fantastic.

I return to the compound around 7:00 p.m., but I resist the urge to check on Adalina, even though she's been on my mind all day. I decide to skip dinner, just in case she shows up and I don't want to risk seeing her. I head to bed early, but thoughts of Adalina continue to linger in my mind. I try to push them away and force myself to sleep, but it's proving difficult.

Chapter 22


I am sound asleep when I feel a weight shift on the bed. My eyes snap open, and I see Tatyana sitting on the edge of my bed. She is wearing a lacy red push-up bra and matching thong. I sit up quickly and look at her, feeling a wave of annoyance wash over me.

"Tatyana, what the hell are you doing in here?" I ask, trying to keep my voice even.

Tatyana crawls into my bed.

"I couldn't sleep, Nikolai. I need you," she says, looking at me with wide eyes.

“Get the fuck out!”

Adalina just smiles and crawls on top of me. She tries to kiss me but I turn my head. What the fuck!

“Please, Nikolai, I promise I will make you feel good.” She rubs her tits against my chest.

I feel my irritation growing. I've already had this conversation with Tatyana, and I don't want to have it again.

Tatyana looks at me for a moment, her expression intense. Then, without warning, she leans in and kisses me. I push her away, feeling a mixture of anger and disgust.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" I demand, my voice rising.

"I'm sorry, Nikolai. I just can’t help myself. I know you have feelings for me," Tatyana says, looking at me with a mix of defiance and vulnerability.

"I don't have feelings for you. Get the fuck out of my room." I say, my voice cold and final.

Tatyana glances at me for a brief moment before nodding and rising from the bed. As she leaves the room, a wave of relief floods over me. I can't afford to get caught up in Tatyana's drama. Dealing with Adalina alone is challenging enough. I refuse to allow my personal life to disrupt my work.


I haven't laid eyes on Nikolai all day. The events of this morning, or rather, what almost happened in the pool, consume my every thought. Sleep eludes me, and restlessness takes over. I find myself descending the stairs, driven by a gnawing hunger, or perhaps a need for distraction. Just as I'm leaving my room, a sight stops me in my tracks—Tatyana, leaving Nikolai's room, clad in provocative lingerie, her disheveled hair betraying the recent intimacy they shared. The realization hits me like a lightning bolt. Nikolai and Tatyana are indeed more than just friends with benefits. Rage engulfs me, an anger I've never experienced before. Slamming my door shut, I abandon any notion of food. All I want now is to unleash my fury upon him. A primal scream of frustration escapes my lips, and I don’t care who hears me. In that moment, I long to shred his expensive suits, to bring him the pain he's caused me. With reckless abandon, I seize a book and hurl it against the wall with all my might. I yank open a drawer from one of the side tables and smash it against the wall. The red haze of anger fills my vision, blurring all reason.

Suddenly my bedroom door is kicked open. Nikolai storms into my bedroom wearing only a pair of black briefs. I can feel the anger coming off of him. His hair is messed up. Tatyana must of run her fingers through it while he fucked her!

“What the fuck are you doing?” He screams at me.

“What the fuck am I doing? What the fuck are you doing? You asshole!” I grab a bedside table lamp and throw it against the wall. It bounces off the wall and smashes on the floor.

Nikolai grabs me by the shoulders. He is furious. He shakes me.

“Calm the fuck down! It’s the middle of the night!”

“Let go of me!” I try and fail to wrench out of his hold.

“What is wrong with you?”

“What is wrong with me? You! You are what’s wrong with me! First you seduce me. Lie to me. Kidnap me. Hold me prisoner. Ignore me. Then you fuck Tatyana!”
