Page 6 of Bratva's Captive

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"Our objective is clear," I declare with confidence, "to establish our dominance as the leading criminal organization in Chicago's underworld."

Taking a sip of his coffee, Misha shakes his head in disbelief. "The Outfit holds a tight grip on everything—police, politicians, you name it. They've even managed to recruit Bogun Antonovich's former drug dealers. And where the Outfit falls short, the Razors step in. They've formed an alliance with Paul and Bobby Vincenzio."

Leaning forward, I emphasize, "We will employ a combination of cunning and brute force to achieve our aims. I've reached out to Lev, requesting assistance from the Volkova Bratva. He has agreed to dispatch his own men to fight alongside us."

"I'll start deploying our men to the Russian neighborhoods, offering protection services in exchange for payment," Misha suggests. "It may not be much, but it's a starting point. We also need to establish a network of drug dealers to get our merchandise back on the streets. Once Velvet Handcuffs is reopened, we can resume our operations in loan sharking, prostitution, and gambling."

I nod in agreement, understanding the importance of these steps. "But before we proceed, I need you to arrange a meeting with Paul and Bobby Vincenzio."

Misha appears doubtful. "I highly doubt they'll be willing to meet with us, considering the Antonovich brothers' attempt on Bobby's life."

"That's precisely why we must show them that we're different from the previous bratva," I assert firmly. "We need to prove that we're stronger and more cunning than the Antonovich brothers ever were. Can you arrange the meeting?"

Misha nods, accepting the challenge. "I'll do my best."

I lean back in my chair, exuding confidence in our progress towards reclaiming our territory.

"Nikolai, I have more bad news," Misha says, taking a sip of his coffee. "The city is attempting to rezone the land where Velvet Handcuffs is located, aiming to change it from commercial to residential. Bobby Vincenzio is behind this move, and he seems to have strong influence over the aldermen. If this goes through, it will severely complicate our plans."

My jaw clenches in frustration as I mutter a curse. "Fuck! This is yet another reason why we must meet with the Vincenzio brothers."

Misha raises an eyebrow skeptically. "With all due respect, sir, they have no incentive to meet with us or help us in any way."

"They will if we provide them with proper motivation," I respond with a determined expression.

A sly smile spreads across Misha's face, understanding the plan.

As I adjust my cuffs, I reveal my plan, "I have secured a new designer cocaine from Europe that has gained immense popularity there. My intention is to introduce it in both Chicago and New York City. The New York Bratva has already agreed to distribute and sell it, and now we need the Outfit to do the same."

It's worth noting that synthetic cocaine, also known as "designer cocaine," "research chemicals," or "bath salts," is not the same as naturally occurring alkaloid cocaine derived from the coca plant. Synthetic cocaine is a synthetic substance created to replicate the effects of real cocaine. However, my product has an additional advantage - it is undetectable by drug-sniffing dogs.

Misha raises an eyebrow, curious about the plan. "And how do you propose we achieve that?" he asks.

"I have a plan to offer the Vincenzio brothers an irresistible deal," I declare, crossing my hands on the desk. "I will propose that they distribute my designer cocaine in Chicago at a significantly reduced price for a few months. In return, we regain our drug territories. It's a win-win situation - they'll make millions, and so will we. Once we have reclaimed our territories and secured Velvet Handcuffs as a commercial property, I will raise the price of the cocaine and propose an alliance with them. The Outfit desires peace with the Bratva, and Bobby Vincenzio wants to stop watching his back all the time.”

Tatyana enters my office without knocking, accompanied by Maxim Antonovich, Bogun Antonovich's nephew. The sight of him, with his messy brown hair and casual attire, resembling a college student, doesn't please me. It almost makes me laugh, but I know better than to underestimate him; his family holds significant influence in the European human trafficking business. Fuck! I despise Maxim Antonovich.

"What brings you here, Tatyana?" I ask, trying to keep my tone neutral.

"Maxim wants to talk to you,” Tatyana replies, a sly smile playing on her lips.

Maxim is a sick little shit. He is barely 5’7” and a nasty fucker. I know this because he is a frequent visitor to my London sex club, and I have had nothing but complaints from my staff. I should ban him, but he is a member of the Bratva. Unlike the rest of us, Maxim did not earn his position through hard work and dedication. He was born into the Bratva, handed everything on a silver platter, and has never worked a day in his life. As he plops down in the chair next to Misha, leaving Tatyana standing, I am reminded of his lack of gentlemanly conduct. His legs are splayed wide open, a clear indication of his lack of class.

I sit up straighter in my chair, ready to listen. "Continue."

"Uncle Bogun wants revenge on Bobby Vincenzio for his role in the Velvet Handcuffs raid. He wants Bobby dead."

I let out a curse under my breath. " Absolutely not. We can't afford to lose Bobby. We need the Outfit to distribute my cocaine. Revenge isn’t profitable. We need Bobby alive for now. If he doesn't agree to our alliance, then we'll have to use brute force and take down the Vincenzio family and the Outfit."

“Misha, I need you to look into selling illegal marijuana here.” I tell Misha.

“Didn’t you know weed is legal here.” Maxim says with a smile.

“Yes, asshole. But with all the high taxes in legal dispensaries, weed is too expensive. This is an opportunity to undercut legal dispensaries by offering weed at half the price. We just need to find a supplier in Mexico or California. In addition, we need to establish a network of dealers and customers within Chicago.

“I will contact the Los Angeles Bratva to partner with existing marijuana growers and suppliers to acquire a steady supply of high-quality product. We will also need people to transport the product to Chicago and distribute it.”

“Misha, use your connections within the New York Bratva to identify individuals who are involved in the illegal marijuana trade and recruit them to work for me.”

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