Page 7 of Bratva's Captive

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Misha nods.

“Tatyana is going to find a warehouse where we set up a lab for my synthetic cocaine to manufacture and store. The warehouse should be big enough to store heroin, marijuana, and other drugs. Plus, I am turning Velvet Handcuffs into an upscale Gentleman’s Club so we will have a prime location to sell our drugs and offer premium entertainment and prostitution. Eventually, I plan on opening a BDSM club that focuses on bondage and domination and provide a space for people who are interested in BDSM activities to connect and engage in their fantasies.”

“Tatyana, how is the construction going rehabbing going on Velvet Handcuffs?” I ask.

“The contractor is just getting started, but he said it should only take 2-4 weeks. I told him that we just don’t want a another sleezy strip club. We want more of an upscale Gentleman’s club. The club will feature live entertainment such as exotic dancing, burlesque shows, or musical performances. We will also offer private rooms for the girls to entertain customers.”

“The bar should stay. I still want a stage or runway where the dancers perform, with tables and chairs around the stage.”

Tatyana nods, a sly smirk playing at the corners of her lips. "The contractor is working hard to make sure everything is perfect. We want to offer a unique and classy experience that will set us apart from the competition."

I can’t help but grin, “Excellent. We'll have the best entertainment in the city, with dancers, burlesque shows, and musical performances. Our private rooms will offer the ultimate VIP experience for our customers. And as for the BDSM club, that's going to be our secret weapon. People will flock to us for a chance to explore their deepest, darkest fantasies in a safe and controlled environment."

I rub my hands together; my new empire is taking shape.

“Are you going to traffic underage girls for prostitution, like Uncle Bogun did. The men are asking?” Maxim asks me, ruining my good mood.

“No. Our path to taking control of Chicago from the Outfit lies in drug trafficking, extortion, online gambling, and racketeering. These ventures have the potential to generate billions for us. We need to outearn the Outfit, demonstrating that we can amass more wealth than they can. Once we have a significant cash flow, we can expand into legitimate businesses and invest in real estate. Finding a suitable bank for money laundering is a priority, and having a casino would be even better.”

“Nikolai, it's too lucrative for you to ignore. There is a high demand for sex slaves that are underage girls, and the supply is limited, which translates into substantial profits.” Maxim clears his throat and continues, “Since you won't undertake this endeavor, I will. I will remain in Chicago and revive the trafficking of underage girls. It is a highly profitable business for my family within the Bratva.”

“Very well. Pursue that entirely on your own. I will not allow my Chicago Bratva to be associated with human trafficking.”

Maxim pulls out a cigar from his leather jacket vest pocket and lighter and is about to light it.

“No smoking. If you want to smoke go the fuck outside.” I yell.

“Nikolai, why do you always have a burr up your ass? You are too stiff and controlled for a serial killer. You need to relax.”

“Shut the fuck up, Maxim.”

“By the way, you need to fire your butler! I told him to run a bath for me and he told me to get fucked!”

“That’s because Osip doesn’t work for you, he works for me!”

Maxim grins at me flashing his teeth that are too white from too much bleaching.

“Nikolai, you are leaving money on the table.” Tatyana states.

“Prostitution is one thing, but I will not traffic children. I already told Lev this when I agreed to take over as Vor of the Chicago Bratva.”

"Nikolai," Tatyana sighs, "we could amass substantial wealth if we reintroduce human trafficking to the Chicago Bratva. It's an immensely profitable enterprise."

I shake my head firmly. "I don't care about the potential financial gains. The Chicago Bratva will not be involved in the despicable trade of human trafficking! I've built a fortune for the Bratva through other ventures. If we engage in trafficking underage girls, it will attract the attention of the Chicago authorities and jeopardize everything I've worked for."

Tatyana's voice escalates as she continues. "You're being naive, Nikolai. Other Bratva families in different cities are involved in it. If we don't participate, we'll be left behind."

I narrow my eyes, my tone resolute. "I couldn't care less about what other families are doing. This discussion ends here."

Tatyana raised her hands in frustration. "You're incredibly stubborn, Nikolai. You're holding the Chicago Bratva back."

My temper ignites. "Don't test me, Tatyana! You won't be pleased with the consequences!"

Tatyana exhales sharply and storms out of the office, slamming the door in her wake.

I inhale deeply, trying to regain my composure. In light of Tatyana's defiant outburst, I can't help but wonder if she has been collaborating with other Bratva organizations behind my back.

Chapter 4
