Page 63 of Bratva's Captive

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Adalina spends the night and the following day in her room. She doesn’t speak to anyone. Osip brings her meals. But she barely eats anything. I leave her alone. Give her space. Finally, after dinner, I had had enough of her silence. I knock on the door of her room and let myself in. Wearing one of my T shirts, she lay curled up on the bed, her body huddled in a fetal position. I know she is awake because I see the subtle movements of her eyelids.

I lift her from the bed, cradling her in my arms, and carry her to my own bedroom. There, I settle her onto the bed and tenderly tuck the covers around her. Stripping down to my briefs, I lay down beside her and draw her close to my chest. As she begins to sob, her tears dampening my skin, I remain silent. What words could I possibly offer? There is nothing left to say or explain. It is over. Tomorrow, I will take her back.

I sleep with Adalina in my arms for the very last time. When I wake up, she's gone. Her side of the bed is empty. I jump in the shower and put on an expensive suit. I go downstairs to grab a cup of coffee. Adalina is in the kitchen talking to Nona, dressed in jeans and a hoodie. She looks so young. This is for the best. This is what's best for her, I reassure myself.

I eagerly anticipate interrogating and torturing Maxim, who remains locked in the basement cell. He's been confined there for over 48 hours, and I imagine he's quite ripe. I've only allowed him water. The bastard. Soon, he'll reveal who he's been working with, and then I'll relish in the pleasure of killing him. Once I drop off Adalina, the real fun with Maxim will begin.

"Good morning," I announce.

Adalina immediately leaves the kitchen, and I follow her to her room.

"Adalina, I..." I begin.

"No, Nikolai. I don't want to talk to you anymore. It's over, as you said. A clean break is for the best. Actually, I'd prefer it if you didn't drop me off. I'd rather have Misha do it," she states firmly.

I frown and ask, "Why?"

"I don't want to say goodbye to you, Nikolai. It's too hard," she says, tears streaming down her face. I reach out and grab her shoulders.

"This is for the best. Now, I need you to repeat the email address and password back to me," I insist.

She does, demonstrating that she knows it. She has a future. It brings me some relief, knowing that she has a future.

"I'll have your new clothes packed up and delivered to your hotel," I inform her.

"No," she objects.

"You should have them. You look good in them. They're yours. I'll send them anyway, and you can do what you want with them."

"Please, Nikolai, can I be alone for a while?" she requests.

"Of course," I reluctantly agree.

I leave Adalina's room, leaving the door open. I retreat to my own room and sit on the bed, where I can hear her sobbing.

At 11:00 am, I lead Adalina downstairs where two SUVs are waiting.

"Please, Nikolai, I don't want you to come with me. It's too hard. I can't say goodbye twice. I'd rather say goodbye to you right now," she pleads.

"Okay," I agree, understanding the weight of her request.

It is time to say goodbye. This will be harder than I thought. Fuck.

I hold her tightly, savoring the sensation of her warm, soft curves pressed against my firm body. Burying my face in her hair, I breathe in her sweet scent, committing this moment to memory.

As our lips meet in a gentle kiss, Adalina's eyes flutter closed. I can feel the sadness emanating from her body, and if I had a heart it would break knowing I am the cause of it. Adalina's hands slide down my back as we kiss, I wrap my arms around her, feeling the strength of her embrace. We remain locked in each other's arms, lost in the intensity of the moment.

Reluctantly, I pull away, our foreheads still touching, and open my eyes to gaze into hers one last time. Tears cascade down her face, and I release her from my hold. Our eyes meet, and within her gaze, I witness her love for me shining brightly. She offers me a smile, and I reach out to tenderly brush a stray lock of hair from her face, savoring the touch of her skin beneath my fingertips. We stand there, quietly absorbing each other's presence.

Finally, I break the silence. "Goodby, Adalina, please be safe.” I say softly, trying to say what she wants to hear, “I will miss you. I may not love you, but I do care about what happens to you. I’ll never forget you .”

“I love you, Nikolai.”

At Adalina's words, I grasp her hands in mine, feeling an inexplicable urge to kiss her one last time. Leaning in, our lips meet in a slow and tender kiss, devoid of any rush. As the intensity of the kiss grows, a familiar gnawing sensation stirs in my gut. Her hands glide down my back, urging me closer. Our tongues move in perfect harmony syncing our desires. My breath quickens, my mind becomes consumed, and I am wholly captivated by her presence.

Feeling overwhelmed, I break the kiss and pull away from Adalina. She briefly holds onto me before letting go. I meet her gaze, my heart still pounding with desire. A tingling sensation lingers on my lips, accompanied by a warmth in my chest. Extending my hand, I gently brush her cheek, and her eyes twinkle with joy, and her lips quiver as if on the verge of a smile. In that fleeting moment, we stand connected, our hands intertwined, and our faces so close that I can feel the gentle caress of her breath against my skin. However, reality sets in, reminding me that a future with Adalina is impossible. With a sigh, I acknowledge that our connection is over, and the moment ends.
