Page 20 of A Bullet Between Us

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I never claimed to be a hero. That title was too far out of my reach. I hadn't cared for it, still didn’t. Although, when I was given a task, an order, I’d never failed. This assignment was no different. It would be easier to protect her if I knew who I was protecting her from. The best way to keep her safe was to collect as much intel as I could and put the pieces together.

The sun lowered, the hours passed, and as I sat on the black leather seat of my car, all I could think about was her. Even her name was unknown to me, and after seeing the dread I’d caused, I decided not to chance my luck.

I wanted to frighten her, to scare her enough to make her worry for her life as I was appalled at her decision questioning someone who’d been following her instead of running. Which only contradicted her. How could she be smart enough to notice me but foolish enough to believe I couldn’t have been the same people who she feared.

But as I pressed on to teach her a lesson, her panic rose, and I decided now wasn’t the time. Not when she seemed on the verge of an anxiety attack. When it seemed like she needed a decent meal to fill in the hollows of her cheeks, and the color that was absent from her face. Or the way she needed to feel protected, safe. But who was I to make her feel that way?

My last hour was up, and I saw the next officer who would be guarding her for the night driving slowly past me with a nod.

I decided Bo would have to wait a bit longer for me to get home as it was time to search for answers, and I took the next turn toward the precinct.

I took each step two at a time until I made it to the entrance of the precinct. The evening shift was just starting to settle in, and the light to Chief Pierce’s office was on.

Good, I hadn’t missed him yet.

Nodding and waving at a few familiar faces, I made my way to the back of the room, knocked twice, and waited to be let in.

“Come in.” The moment the chief saw me, he quickly rose to his feet. “Is she all right?”

“Yes, she is.” I cleared my throat the same time his shoulders relaxed as he sat back on his rolling chair. “Excuse me if I’m out of line here, but I need more information about this case so I know what I’m dealing with. I’m afraid I don’t know how to guard when I don’t know from who.”

“Sorry, Novak. It’s confidential. Sharing it with you could compromise the operation.”

Fuck. As expected, he wasn’t going to talk.

“You made me believe it was a child.” I stayed standing by the widows of his room, looking straight at him.

“I did no such thing, officer Novak. Sorry for the misinterpretation.” His eyes veered to his wristwatch, his reaction annoyed me, and I masked my features from showing it. “I guess you’ve encountered Davina?”


Her name was unique, delicate, and rare. It suited her.

“I did.”

“Anything you would like to inform me, Officer Novak?” Pierce asked.

“Actually, one thing.” I took one step closer toward his desk and rested my hand on the border. “Is she sick?”

“What makes you think that?” His lips twisted, and his eyes looked away from mine when I replied.

“I can tell she’s not at healthy weight, and she may suffer from anxiety. Is she being seen?”

“I’m sure.”

How reassuring.

“But, if you think she isn’t, shouldn’t you be finding out, Officer Novak?”

I refused to let his comment affect me, and I kept my breathing and posture even. “I’m supposed to be looking out for her safety, not babysitting.” Well, maybe I didn’t hold it in as well as I wished, but things needed to be cleared.

“You are to keep her safe, that extends to her overall well-being, understood?” His fierce tone and response only gave me more questions.

Did she witness a crime? Is she testifying to a crime? What other reason would not only her safety, but her health, also be important?

“Yes, Chief.”
