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My teeth chattered from the frost bite of the night, and my eyes fluttered until my body relaxed and all I saw was darkness, the same color as the eyes which had found me, and the same color of the eyes of my killer.

I had lost too much blood, teetering on the edge of unconsciousness.

I hardly felt the warm fingers applying pressure to my chilled neck.

My last thought was of my mother.

I hoped the pain of being alone would cease once I met her in the afterlife.



It was the stony air, the cold that crept into my bones that caused my eyes to flutter, to awaken, but the beaming fluorescent lights made it hard to fully take in my surroundings. Disoriented, I pushed past the shining glare from above, squinting, as the loud beeping to my right called my attention as it matched my own beating heart.

Its cadence was strong, filled with life with each beat pumping through my body.

The uncomfortable pain triggered by my movement caused me to wince, and my eyes to close. Yet, my arm felt weighted and weak as I tried to reach and find the source of my pain. I did, and memories rushed back the second the soft gauze met my fingertips.

The alley.

The gruesome sound of a bullet penetrating and taking a life.

The crunchy blood-stained white snow.

The dark soulless eyes of Tattoo, and the unforgettable scar of Nightmare, the killer.

I’m alive? Yet the real question was, for how long?

A shiver ran down my body, but it wasn’t from the icy room. It was fear.

The beeping grew with my fear while I scanned the empty room I’d awoken in, searching for danger, but I was alone.

The door opened, and my wide eyes flew toward the direction just as an older woman in light green scrubs froze but quickly recovered. Surprise swirled in her marron-colored eyes as she hurried to the monitor.

“Welcome back, dear. Try to relax.” She ushered. “I know it’s a lot to take in, but just try to breathe. You are safe.”


Even with her kind eyes glancing down at me as she looked over my vitals, I felt anything but safe. Not here. Not in a hospital. Not in this city. Not anymore.

Her short brown ponytail swayed, returning her full attention to me as I controlled my breathing.

“I will let the doctor know you are awake, and your fiancé…he’s been worried sick.”


I had so many questions, but when I tried to voice them, my throat burned, and a dizzy wave plagued my sight, leaving me wilted on the hospital bed.

“Dear?” The nurse prodded. The beaded necklace that hung around her neck held her name tag. Diana. She picked the faded pink pitcher that rested steps away and poured ice water into a clear plastic cup. “Here, drink this. It may help with your voice.” I gladly sipped the clear straw as she held the cup in her hands. “It’s normal to feel weak, the large amount of blood loss and transfusion is still trying to catch up with your body.” She placed the cup back on the table and grabbed a pen-like flashlight from her chest pocket and shined it into my eyes before tucking it back and heading out of the room.

I was ready to close my eyes as she exited the room but I noticed the tall man in a blue uniform. His back was against the wall in the hall. With the door slightly ajar, his head turned toward the door. His shaved head quickly straightened as another officer stepped up to him. They spoke for a quick moment until the new officer slid his eyes through the cracked opening. His cunning gaze caught mine and the small twitch of a frown etched his features before he turned back to his partner as the door shut.

Tears pricked in my eyes as the uneasy feeling of his gaze remained in my mind.

I’m not safe.

The lights were dim inside the room, it’d made it easier to open my eyes and look out to the city lights of New York from the open blinds of the window. I didn’t get the chance to really look out to the city that almost took my life, not with the feel of a presence on my right. Chills puckered my skin as my body tensed.
