Page 33 of A Bullet Between Us

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“There won’t be another like Bo.”

Her reply made me grin. “Can’t say that’s not true.”

“Wait.” She faced me. “You trained Bo, all by yourself?” she nodded toward him.

“I’m good with animals, and training them isn’t difficult once you understand each breed and their personalities.” Davina grew closer with each word I said. “I actually trained Lucca’s, my brother’s, two dogs. They are beasts, only friendly and comfortable with few.”

“Are they Dobermans too?”

“Oh no, I actually think their breed is harder to control as they are extremely short tempered. His are both Caucasian Shepherds. Mean little suckers those two are. Well, at least not to me.”

“Wow, then why would he want such a breed?”

I grew silent and tore my eyes away from her.

“So, did I convert you to a dog lover?” If she noticed her unanswered question, she didn’t mention it. Davina only smiled.

“You did.”

“I won’t be getting Bo back for a while,” I stated.

“No, you won’t,” she admitted with a chuckle. “So, how much time until we try again?”

“Try what again?” I asked.


“When the circles under your eyes fade and you’ve gotten more meals inside of you.”

She processed my words for a minute with twisted lips.

“I didn’t notice I looked so…”

She didn’t finish, instead she brought her knees to her chest and looked ahead. I dusted the grass off me when I stood, my eyes remaining on her.

“Don’t think you look anything less than lovely, kroshka.”

My thoughts were spoken out loud and my muscles tensed from my admission. I couldn’t see her face, and she didn’t turn to see mine. We both stood frozen. I shed the shock, turned, and headed back into the house.

This assignment was fucking with me.

No, not the assignment. Because I knew what I had to do, guard and protect. It wasn’t the task. It was Davina.

It was unlike me to think about someone other than my family and Bo. I liked to think it was better this way. My life was dangerous in every sense. From my affiliations to the underworld, to putting my life on the line every day. With or without a uniform, danger waited for me each turn I took, and the thought of bringing someone, having someone, in this life seemed selfish. I’d never had an issue until now. I thought of her, wondered of her well-being, hell, even keeping a distance from her had become a problem.

I’d embraced her body once, felt the way it fit snugged against mine and relished the feeling. I’d waved her hair away from her face just to see her features clearly, not only was it subconsciously, but the memory of the feel of her silk black hair wrapped around my hand made me want to do it again, and again. Then there was the masochist in me that wanted to trap the tear that had fallen from her vulnerable eyes, to feel her pain, only to wipe it away from such a delicate creature. With each small trace I felt of her body, the more I wanted. And the more I craved.

It was dangerous.

Because I was known to be a selfish man.

“You know, I googled kroshka last night.”

My hand stopped on the door latch. “You did?” I could feel a smirk forming, and my reflection on the glass door confirmed it.

“Yeah. Funny how many hours you can waste when all you have is time and a laptop.” Her head stayed away from me as I watched her reflection. Then her hair swayed as she twisted to face my back. “I am no crumb.”

With the smirk, I faced her. “Your research was shit, I see.”
