Page 26 of Bet on Me

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Emma’s eyes widened. “You’re in the military?”

I nodded. I’d seen this conversation go both ways. Some women saw the glamorous side of the military—men in uniforms with well-toned muscles. Others just saw the risk of dating someone who could be deployed at any time. “Reserves, now. I was a pilot for the Air Force. I went to the Air Force Academy in the Springs, then was active duty for almost 14 years. I loved flying—loved being in the military, actually—but it was time for civilian life.”

Emma opened her mouth, then closed it.

I let one corner of my lips lift in a half smile. “Go ahead, little one. Ask what’s on your mind.”

“Did you…have you…ever had a sub? Like, a relationship? Like…” her eyes darted back and forth as she dropped her tone to a whisper. “Like collared?”

For someone who was so unashamed of her sexuality while at the club, Emma seemed shy now, out in public. Her hand was resting on the table. I covered it with my large one to reassure her. “I’ve had one. She was, in part, the reason I retired from active duty.”

“What happened?” Emma blurted out.

I smiled as I thought back. “Her name was Amanda. She was a sub at Blackstone. That’s how we met, actually. I was stationed at the base nearby. It wasn’t too far from the club, so I started coming when I had time off. We were together for a year when I realized that active duty life wasn’t in line with what I pictured for a long-term relationship. I’d served out my time after the Academy, so I retired from active duty to the reserves, with the plan to settle down a bit.”

Emma’s questions kept coming, which was fine with me. I was an open book. “So what happened? Where did she go?”

There it was. I offered Emma a wistful smile. “I was ready to settle down, but she wasn’t. She was a journalist and was offered a position covering an international beat. It was the career move of a lifetime for her. And I realized that sub or no sub, I was ready to move on from active duty and a life of constantly moving and settle down as a civilian.”

Emma nodded slowly. “Makes sense. But…” she trailed off. Her gaze dropped to the table.

“But what, little one?”

Emma looked up at me. Concern filled her blue eyes. “What if she comes back? And she’s ready to settle down?”

Ah. That was the concern. I placed two fingers under Emma’s chin and pressed up, lifting her face until her eyes met mine. “There’s always a chance of her coming back to town, I suppose, kitten. But what I feel for you—what I’vefeltfor you since I met you a year ago—surpasses what I felt for her. By miles. I’ve stayed away because I didn’t want to move into a relationship that wasn’t right, if you didn’t want the same intensity I did. But last weekend opened my eyes. I’m not worried about her coming back. It wouldn’t change anything between us.”

After way too much food, I drove Emma home. Besides the sushi, we’d shared a chocolate lava cake for dessert—my favorite and, it turned out, hers as well.

Emma’s house was in Green Valley Ranch, a subdivision out by the airport. I pulled into her driveway and turned off the ignition before I climbed out and rounded the car to open her door.

“Thank you, Sir.” Emma smiled, unbuckling her seatbelt. She gripped my arm for balance as she slid out of the SUV.

I walked Emma to the door. I’d never understood why some men didn’t walk their date to the door. What had happened to all the gentlemen?

Emma dug in her purse for the keys. It took much longer than I was comfortable with before she unearthed them. She unlocked the door, then stood in the doorway, smiling at me.

I smiled. It was clear what she was expecting—hoping for, even—and for that reason, among others, she wasn’t going to get it tonight. “Thank you for a great evening, kitten.” I pressed a kiss to her forehead. “Get some rest, baby. I’ll see you Friday night.”

I walked back to the car, feeling Emma’s gaze on my back.

When I reached the Jeep, I looked back at Emma, who looked dumbfounded. I hid my smile. “Inside, little one. Lock the door. Behave this week.”



OneGuinness.Thatwasit. I headed to Thursday night drinks with the girls, remembering Drew’s advice.

I snorted. It wasn’t really advice. More like a command.

As Avery poured each of us a beer from the pitcher, I did my best to focus the conversation on everyone else. Anyone else.Don’t mention Drew.

It didn’t work.

“Sooooo, Emma, anything new?” Avery put the pitcher down and turned to me,

My face grew warm as the rest of the girls turned their attention my way as well, too. I took a sip of Guinness, stalling. “Um, no, not really. Why?”
