Page 3 of Bet on Me

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Savannah was staring at me. She’d turned bright red and her eyes were wide.

Fuck. Me and my big mouth.

“No, Sir. I’m sorry. I was just surprised to see you. We were talking about work, and how it was frustrating, and a funny story about the horses. And I didn’t hear you come up, and then you were there. Sir,” I added quickly. I squeezed my lips shut to keep anything more from coming out.

“Better. Would you girls like me to arrange play partners for you for the evening?” Drew asked, looking from me to Savannah.

Savannah nodded, her blush fading slightly. “Yes, please, Sir,” she whispered.

How was she still scared of Drew? He was intimidating all the time, sure, and I imagined he’d be terrifying in a scene, but God, that was what I needed.

Drew’s voice snapped me back to attention. “And you, Emma?”

I shook my head. The only Dom I wanted tonight was him. “No, thank you, Sir. I’ll wait for now. I’m not sure any of the Doms that are here right now—”

Drew raised his eyebrow.

“I mean, the ones that are here are nice. Really nice. Good Doms.” I corrected hastily. The goal here was to get a scene with him, not just earn a punishment. “I guess that…just isn’t what I’m looking for. Sir.”

Drew nodded. “Let me know if you change your mind, Emma. Savannah, come on with me. I’ll introduce you to Sean.”

As they walked away, I felt a pang of regret and kicked myself for not speaking up. I’d had a chance to ask for it. I should have asked him to scene with me. What was wrong with me?

Avery wandered by, clinging to the hand of her Dom, Brax. They’d been together since this summer when Drew had paired them during a singles mixer, and they hadn’t looked back. Avery stopped to give me a hug, then jumped back up when Brax cleared his throat. She waved goodbye to me as she followed her Dom to a private room.

I wanted that with someone. With Drew.

I sipped at my sickly sweet caffeinated concoction. Some people couldn’t drink coffee this late in the day, but they were weaklings.Coffee was a life essential. Coffee, dirty books, and gummy worms. Usually in that order.

By the time the club really started to fill with people, I’d finished one cup of milky coffee and one mug of hot chocolate. With a shot of espresso, of course. I breathed deeply, loving the feel of the caffeine zinging through my veins. I looked over at the main play area. A sub was being paddled over a spanking bench, her ass a deep cherry red. God, I wanted to be in her position.

Drew walked the perimeter of the play area, his eyes scanning for any signs of trouble. On one pass, his gaze locked with mine.

Fuck, he was hot.

I chewed the inside of my cheek for a minute, debating the merits of going for it. The caffeine buzzing through me gave me the kick I needed, and I hopped off the couch and bounced over to Drew.

He looked down at me, his typical stern expression making him even more attractive. “Hi there, little one. What can I do for you?”

I sucked in a breath. Time to go for it. “Sir, would you be interested in playing with me tonight?” The words came out in a rush. I wasn’t even sure he could tell what I’d said.

Drew frowned. “Emma, I’m not planning on playing tonight. But honestly, little one, I don’t think you and I would be a good match.”

“But why not? I want to—” I could hear myself whining, but it was Drew’s expression that made me stop mid-sentence.

“No, Emma. And whining will not get you what you’re hoping for. If you would like to play, I will find you a Dom. Otherwise, run along back to the couches and behave.”

I folded my arms across my chest as I flounced back to my seat. Fine. I flopped onto the couch, ignoring the interested looks from a few younger Doms. I knew I was being a brat, but I didn’t care.

I watched the play for a bit longer. Maybe it was time to go home. I could have one more coffee first, though, right? I wandered over to the bar and placed my order with Lexie. She was one of the subs I liked to hang out with, but they had assigned her bar duty tonight. As Lexie moved off to pour the coffee, the bartender, Jackson, shook his head as he walked toward me. He was attractive with his light brown hair and kind eyes, but had way too much Daddy in him for me.

“No more coffee, Emma. You’ve had enough caffeine. Hot chocolate?” Jackson took the coffee that Lexie was making and poured it down the sink.

Why did everyone think I was a kid who couldn’t make my own choices? I sighed. “Never mind. I’ll just head home.”

Jackson nodded, wiping the bar top. “Drive safe, love.”

