Page 5 of Bet on Me

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“Where’s the wedding?”

Avery fielded questions, her smile never leaving her face.

I wanted to be that happy with someone.I kept a smile on my face. I was happy for Avery. I was. But it didn’t stop the wistful thoughts from flitting across my mind.

One Guinness and two Irish car bombs later, I was feeling tipsy as the girls’ night conversation veered from cutesy gossip to dirty talk.

“I had one amazing rope session,” Kaylee confided. “The ropes just made me feel so secure. I’ve never come so hard in my life. But that was when Vicki was here.”

Vicki, the hard-edged Domme, had moved away six months ago. Kaylee had scened with other Dommes and with some of the male Doms since then, but nothing had stuck.

“What about you, Emma?” Paige turned to me, her voice curious. “Any good play recently?”

I was feeling more loose-tongued than usual after three drinks, and that was saying something, since I rarely filtered my thoughts. I sighed dramatically. “NO, nothing good recently. The Doms I’ve played with treat me with kid gloves. Like I’m a kid. But I’m NOT a kid!” I banged my fist on the table to make my point. “I need more. But Drew won’t hook me up with anyone who will play at that level. And Drew won’t play with me. He keeps saying we’re not a good match. But we WOULD be!”

Avery stared at me, deadpan despite my dramatics. “How do you know?”

“I…well, I guess I don’t, for sure. It’s just a feeling. But I don’t think he can know that we wouldn’t be a good match for sure, either.” I pointed out.

Avery’s lips pursed as she contemplated. “Maybe I can talk to Brax, and he can talk to Drew.”

Three drinks in, this seemed like a good idea. I nodded emphatically.

I woke up with a headache and a killer hangover. Jesus, how many drinks had I had last night? I gulped down two ibuprofen with a bottle of Gatorade to take the edge off. What had we talked about last night?

Avery was engaged, Savannah and Kaylee hadn’t found their connections yet…

Oh, fuck.

I had a vague memory of going on and on about Drew. And Avery saying she’d talk to Brax. Oh, no. This was not good. Drew already thought of me as too immature to play with. This would push him over the top.

I grabbed my phone off the nightstand, texting Avery as I walked to the shower.

Emma:How are you feeling this morning? So much fun last night! BTW don’t mention the Drew thing to B. Please.

I left the phone on the bathroom counter and hopped into the steaming shower. I shampooed my ice-blonde hair with the purple shampoo that kept it from looking brassy and smoothed some conditioner in. I rinsed it out, toweled off and combed some curl cream through my locks by the time my phone buzzed with a text back.

Avery:Too late, E. Sorry. Hope it works out ok. I’ll tell B not to say anything to D.

Shit. I blew out the breath I was holding. There was nothing I could do now.



Friday’sworkdayendedearly,with the big storm settling in. I sent the crew home early after they secured things. The short drive to my house was easy in the four-wheel-drive work truck. The snow had been falling for an hour, and was just starting to stick to the roads, but it wasn’t slippery yet. I didn’t know what everyone was so worked up about.

I settled in at home with one of my usual smutty books on my e-reader as the snow accumulated. This book, as usual, featured a dominant alpha male taking control of his wayward sub. I squeezed my thighs together as I read, my core heating. After one intense scene, I looked up from my book, wondering if I should grab my vibrator or if there was any chance of the real thing.

I looked outside again. It looked like only a few inches so far, nothing to write home about. Certainly nothing that should shut down the city. I grabbed my phone and sent a text off to the girls.

Emma:Who’s coming to Blackstone tonight?

The replies trickled in, one after another.

Lexie:Not tonight.

Paige:The roads are terrible, staying home. Don’t go out in this, crazy lady!
