Page 41 of Twisted Road

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“I don’t think so, girlie. Stink has seniority.”

“No offense to you or Stink,” I say slowly. “But Liam put me in charge. Anyone that’s got a problem with it can go through me. And that includes Stink.”

“She is a Locksley. Billy started this whole operation,” Gus says. “we should at least hear her out.”

“Fuck that! She’s engaged to an O’Connor.”

Gus lumbers in front of Stink and pokes him threateningly in the chest. “Which Aurora did to protect the club. We owe her a vote.”

Stink shoves Gus aside.

“Hey!” I yell.

Gus steps back from Stink. “The bylaws state the current president can elect a leader.”

“The bylaws also say a woman can’t ride,” Stink growls.

“And if two bylaws conflict, you vote,” I snap. I’d been expecting this argument. What I hadn’t expected was Gus backing me up. It feels good to have someone in my corner.

Gus grunts in approval. “That’s how we’ve always done things.”

Stink takes a swing at Gus. I step between them before Gus can retaliate.

“You want to fight someone? You can fight me,” I say loudly.

“I ain’t beating on some little girl.”

I throw the first punch. It isn’t exactly fair, but bikers don’t fight fair. Dad taught me that.

My fist connects with Stink’s jaw. The crack reverberates in the surrounding air, mingling with the collective gasps of shock. Stink’s head snaps to the side and he spits out blood. He grunts. Once.

Then he charges. I grip his arm and throw him over my shoulder. He hits the ground. This is where my instructor would tell me to stop. But I know what dad would say if he was still here. I kick him hard in the face. His nose breaks and blood gushes like a fountain. I straighten up and face off with the watching crowd.

“Anyone else want to step the fuck up?” I wait a beat. “No? I didn’t think so. I’m taking over until Liam’s back on his feet because that’s what our president wants.”

Gus nods his head in approval. “Alright, you heard the lady. Aurora’s running this shitshow.”

“Table. Now,” I snap, doing my best Caine imitation.

It works like a charm. Everyone scurries off to the table in the backroom where all important club business is discussed.

Hannah tries to follow us into the backroom. I slam the door shut on her. Stink sits down and puts a cloth over his nose. Once this meeting is over, I’ll have Gus take him to the emergency room.

“Who wants Aurora as our new leader?” Gus asks.

Every hand except Stink’s shoots up. Jimmy slaps the back of his head.

“This ain’t right. Billy wouldn’t want his little girl in this room. It’s dangerous,” Stink protests.

I roll my eyes. What bullshit.Iwas the one that never wanted to be in here. I’d like to think if dad had to choose between me and Stink, he’d pick me.

“That’s a good argument,” I say sweetly. “And I can’t even see Hannah’s hand up your ass from here.”

The men guffaw. Most of them must already know what I just worked out. Stink is her puppet.

“Vote,” Jimmy orders.

Grudgingly, Stink raises his hand. And just like that, I’m their new president. I hope I don’t let dad and Liam down.
