Page 40 of Twisted Road

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“Fine, they’ll wait outside.”

“No, I mean at all.”

“What makes you think I’m going to allow that?” He holds up a hand. “And don’t even think about batting those baby blues at me. It won’t work. Again. The answer is no.”

“Don’t you trust me?”

“Tell me why.”

“I can’t. It’s club business. Just give me an hour.”

Caine runs his hand through his hair and curses under his breath. “Fine. But you come back from that meeting with the name of the person or persons who killed my cousin.”

I don’t like it. The terms force me to either rat out the Dullahans or betray my brother, but then again, if I do nothing, Caine will eventually turn to worse methods.

“Alright, but I don’t like it.”

“That’s my girl.”

I roll my eyes so hard it hurts. “I’m notyouranything.”

That only makes him laugh. Frustrated, I walk away.

Chapter 24


The Dullahans all show up at the clubhouse at three in the afternoon on the dot. Dad was always a stickler for punctuality and it’s nice to see that isn’t gone just because he is.

I drive into the parking lot on my Harley. The club members are outside waiting for me. When they catch sight of me driving up their expressions range from shocked to furious.

“What the fuck is that?” Stink growls.

“Mine,” I say.

Hannah’s at the front of the group, and it feels like she’s inching closer to me. Probably trying to take my spot. So this is what Liam is worried about. An attempted coup from Hannah and Stink, while Liam is laid up. Looks like Hannah replaced her old man after he got locked up. I should have noticed, but that’s what I get for ignoring club business.

“What’s going on?” Stink asks. “We need to elect a new leader while Liam is in the hospital.”

“No, we don’t. The Locksleys are staying in charge,” I say.

“Who? How?”

“Liam can’t ride and if he can’t ride he ain’t in charge,” Stink says.

I cross my arms. “I’m not talking about Liam. I am talking aboutme.”

The uproar is as bad as expected. It’s a chorus of denouncements and anger.

“The fuck you are!”

“Is this a fucking joke?”

“I ain’t listening to this shit!”

One of the younger members, Jimmy tries to walk away. Gus grabs his arm and pulls him back to the group roughly.

Hannah steps forward with Stink right on her heels.
