Page 43 of Twisted Road

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I sit down at the desk in front of him, placing the bow under my chair. Still within easy access, but out of sight. “It wasn’t the Dullahans.”

“You’re sure?”


I whip the bow from its hiding spot and rise to my feet. Caine raises a brow and I have to wonder if he’s been in this position before.

“What are you doing?” Caine asks. He sounds bored. Looks it too. How annoying. Then he laughs. “Where did you get that thing? Medieval R Us?”

I fire before I can talk myself out of it. Caine ducks and the arrow lodges into the bookcase behind him. I stumble back. Shit, I only have the one arrow. It was the only way I could sneak it in. My quiver is too big for stealth, and my plan only required one shot.

Next thing I know, Caine’s tackling me to the ground. I hit the wood floor in a painful crash. He’s above me. The bow is knocked aside. It slides halfway across the room. I thrash against him. Adrenaline and fear sets my heart pounding. Sweat breaks out on my skin. I let loose a feral scream.

“Aurora, what are you doing?” he cries in shock.

Shit, he’ll kill me.

I throw my weight against him, thrusting my hips upward and hooking my leg around his waist. He falls to the floor. I lunge and go for his throat. He blocks, knocking me aside. He’s back on me. His hands snake around my wrists, pinning them above my head. I snarl and knee him in the groin. He grunts.

Caine leans over me. His blue eyes blaze with fury. His body pins me to the ground. He sits up and straddles me. I raise my hips, trying to buck him off. All it does is make me rock into him.

I feel his growing hardness against my pussy. It sends a delicious thrill through me. Guess I’m not a good girl after all. Good girls don’t get wet while trying to kill their fiancé.

“Why don’t you let me go?” I purr. I roll my hips, trying seduction where brute force failed.

He laughs. His warm breath fans my eyes. “Why are you trying to kill me?”

“How many reasons do you need? How about because you kidnapped me? Or how about because you’re going to kill my family because I can’t deliver your cousin’s killer? Or maybe because I’m not going to spend the rest of my life fucking terrified you’re going to kill everyone I care about, huh? You’re a psycho!”

Caine rolls his eyes. “Tell me who the killer is.”

“I don’t know!” I scream. “We didn’t do it!”

“Then who the fuck did?”

“Why did you think it was us in the first place?”

Caine thinks it over, but to my dismay, he doesn’t move an inch. “A witness saw someone drive away on a motorbike, and others in an SUV.”

“The Dullahans don’t drive SUVs.”

His eyes widen in surprise. “But the Russians do.”

He releases one of my arms. I punch his shoulder. I was aiming for his throat, but he’s annoyingly fast. He massages the spot and looks at me likeI’mthe crazy one. Then again, since I did just try to kill him, maybe we’re both crazy.

“Are you fucking kidding me? You started this whole thing and there was no need for it?” I hiss.

Caine sits up and tugs me onto his lap. His hardness presses against my core. Heat floods my body.

“Easy, lass. The O’Connors and the Dullahans have a common enemy.”

Caine rocks his hips. My pussy pulses in answer. I’m soaking wet and he’s hardly touched me. How is that fair? I let out a puff of air.

“Do we though?”

“The enemy of my enemy is my friend.”

“So I’m fucking stuck with you?”
