Page 47 of Twisted Road

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“Since I outgrew puberty.”

“Or since you snagged yourself a pretty biker lass?” Theo says with a shit-eating grin.

“The latter most definitely the latter,” Killian says, laughing.

“Do we or do we not have fucking business to discuss?”

“Let me guess, the biker lass is withholding.” Theo throws his head back, laughing.

“I doubt that. I hear bikers are wild.”

“Would you say freewheeling?” Theo suggests, still wearing that shit-eating grin.

I slam my fist on the table. “The next one of you to say another word about my fiancée is going to lose your teeth.”

Theo holds his fingers up in an ‘OK’ sign. “Strong visual, but could be stronger. I would have gone with cutting out our tongues.”

“As would I. Much more visceral,” Killian agrees, nodding.

“For fuck’s sake. The Bratva is moving in on our turf and you are on about Aurora? As if she’s any of your fucking business.”

That gets their attention and I fill them in on everything they’ve missed. We conclude the Bratva are targeting us because we’re critical to the IRA in New York’s cash flow. We distribute their drugs all over the country. If our family is out of business, they’re left with product, they can’t move. Without us, the IRA is weak.

After several drinks, Killian has a plan in place. I’m champing at the bit to take over, but I can’t. Killian outranks me. Compared to other outfits, the Irish mob is democratic, yet that subtle hierarchy is always there. Killian is next in line to lead us, which means Theo and I have to follow his orders.

“We need the Dullahans. On our own, we don’t have the men or the guns to take on the Bratva. Theo find out where the Russians are holed up. Caine, figure something out with the Dullahans. Get their loyalty.”

I nod. “That’s already handled. I’ve got them in line. What about Da?”

“I’ll take care of him,” Killian assures us. “He won’t be a fucking problem, even if I have to kill him myself.”

Ah, our dear Da. The man bungles all our best plans. Leaving him to someone else doesn’t sit right with me. But Killian is the only one who stands a chance at managing him, so we’ll have to trust him.


I can’t say I enjoy trailing Aurora to the clubhouse in my BMW while she rides ahead on her Harley. I do, however, enjoy the view. Her ass is on full display and it looks incredible in those leather pants. She stands up whenever there’s an opportunity. Teasing me. But I know if I call her on it, she’ll deny it. She’d sooner die than admit she wants me.

I have half my men with me in their own cars. If this is going to work, it’s important the Dullahans see a show of force. I’m not letting them or Aurora off the hook just because it was the Bratva who murdered Jack. If I let them go, I look weak, but our terms could be fairer, for Aurora’s sake. If not for her, I’d just kill anyone who steps out of line, but she cares about these men.

I pull into the Dullahan’s clubhouse. Their compound is a sad sight. A dirty and rundown mechanic shop. The barbed wire fences are the only part that looks well cared for. A new addition since my men and I broke in. Well, at least the Dullahans learned from their sloppy security.

Aurora is waiting for me next to her Harley. “Try keeping up.”

I roll my eyes. “I liked my view from behind you.”

She blushes and turns a lovely shade of dusky pink. I could make her blush all day long.

“None of that in there.” She jerks a thumb toward the clubhouse. “The Dullahans have never been led by a woman before. I need to look serious and hopefully terrifying.”

I resist the urge to pull her into my arms, but I move closer. I inhale her perfume, a sweet rose fragrance.

“Don’t worry, lass. If you want to intimidate the men, you can just beat a few of them up. Or you can let me kill them for you.”

She rolls her eyes.

She leads me and my men into the clubhouse. The Dullahans are all present. No women. I exchange looks with Nick. He nods. My men are ready if there’s trouble. I’m regretting my choice to only bring five of my best guys, but I didn’t want it to look like another attack.

“Aurora,” a man’s voice says. One biker steps forward to greet her with a genuine smile.
