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Samantha clapped her hands together like she’d won the grand prize on a game show.

Davey let out a, “Ha! I knew it! The night she went on that date with Jordan Ramsey, I thought you might rip his head clean off before they walked out the door.”

“I thought about it,” I said, feeling just as irrational now as I had back then. “That’s when you made me promise to never touch your sister.Ever.” I emphasized the last word, and he gave me a knowing nod.

“I know. I meant it then. It’s just something you don’t do. We were brothers, and I couldn’t have you fucking it all up by messing around with my sister. She’d been obsessed with you since we were ten.”

“So, you don’t mean it anymore?” I absolutely needed Davey to spell it all out for me. It wasn’t going to stop me from being with Ivy, but his approval would make my life a hell of a lot more enjoyable.

“Nah,” he said like the idea of me and Ivy didn’t even faze him in the slightest. “But don’t even think about telling me anything gross. If you mention the things you do with my sister, even in passing, I will hit you.”

It was my turn to laugh. Finally. I would never peep a word about his goddess of a sister or all the filthy things I planned on doing to her body. “Agreed. Your parents will be okay with it, right?”

I wasn’t honestly worried about Mr. and Mrs. Simpson, but it still felt right to at least ask.

“My parents will probably throw the two of you a fucking party. This is their dream union. I think they’ve loved you as long as Ivy has.”

They’d certainly always made me feel that way.

“I’d better go talk to them.”

I wanted their verbal blessing as well. And since Christmas was only a few days away, it seemed like the right thing to do was give them a heads-up instead of ambushing them during dinner.

Davey grabbed his keys from the top desk drawer and pushed to a stand. “We’re coming for that.”

I knew there was no use in trying to talk them out of witnessing what I was about to do, so I didn’t even try. As the three of us walked out of the office and into the parking garage, I blew out a breath of relief, the white air swirling around my mouth.

Today could have gone in a completely different direction. I’d seen it all play out in my head a hundred times, and it had never once ended this way. I still had my best friend, and I was about to get the girl of my dreams too.

Merry freaking Christmas to me.



“Still nothing?” Cori asked as we started our closing procedures at the salon.

I switched off the computer and printed the credit card statement for the day before walking to the back room to wash out some trays and make sure all the caps were where they belonged and closed tight.

“Nope,” I said, trying not to convey any emotion at all even though I was feeling a million things. None of them good.

“It doesn’t make sense. Saint can’t just ghost you, you know? He’s not some guy you met at a bar or at the grocery store. There’s too much history there.”

I knew she was only trying to make me feel better, but until I actually heard from Saint, nothing was going to cheer me up.

“Maybe he got what he wanted. What if I was just a challenge and he didn’t realize it until it was too late?” I asked because the awful thought had crossed my mind.

Some guys lived for the girls they couldn’t have, but others didn’t always know when the resistance was the one thing propelling them forward. I could imagine that if Saint felt that way, he’d be struggling with how to tell me. He wouldn’t want to hurt me, but he also couldn’t lie about it. He’d be so torn.

“I don’t think that’s it, Ivy. Truly. I’d be surprised.”

“I want to believe you,” I admitted before she interrupted my thoughts.

“But you don’t.”

My head swung in her direction. “I’m not sure what to think, to be honest.”

We finished cleaning up, and I got a head start on prepping for my early morning client. The more time I had to sleep in, the better. I set up my station with everything I needed and pulled my purse out of the drawer I kept it in.
