Page 35 of The Holiday Dilemma

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“No dream is silly. You just need to find a reason inside of yourself to accomplish it, whether it’s for yourself or for someone else. You just need to have faith in yourself and your ability.” She winked.

An hour later, with all the dishes cleaned and washed, I joined Brooke in the living room. She sat on the couch, her foot out of the boot and elevated. She’d already turned the TV on and a movie was just beginning.

“Care if I join you?” I asked.

“No, of course not,” she said, repositioning herself so I could sit down.

I sat beside her, pulling the small ottoman from the foot of her chair so she could elevate her foot easier. Then I grabbed the blanket that was over the back of the chair and fanned it out over Brooke.

“Thank you,” she whispered.

“You’re welcome,” I quietly replied, and placed my arm across the back of the couch and relaxed.

We were halfway through the movie when Brooke stretched and let out a yawn. “You tired? Did you want help to get to bed?” I asked.

“No, I’m okay. Just a little stiff,” she said, rubbing her lower back. “Guess that is what happens when you sit around all day.”

“You can stretch out if you’d like. I don’t bite.” I winked. “Well, not unless you want me to.”

Brooke rolled her eyes and gave a tiny smile and let out a tiny giggle as she shook her head, “Unbelievable,” she whispered under her breath.


“Nothing,” she said with a smile as she shook her head.

We both grew quiet again and turned our attention back to the television. I leaned back and closed my eyes. I was exhausted after such a long day as well. Next thing I knew, my legs were covered with the blanket I’d gotten for Brooke, and she was curled up into my side, her eyes closed.

I adjusted myself, sinking farther down into the couch, and placed my feet up on the ottoman that she’d been using and rested my arm around her, and together we drifted off while watching the movie.


I slowly opened my eyes, at first not recognizing my surroundings. I wiped my eyes and stretched, then noticed I was on the couch in the living room. The TV had been turned off. The small nightlight that was plugged into the wall in the corner gave off just enough light to be able to see everything.

I hadn’t remembered falling asleep. I went to adjust the blankets, but something was stopping them, then I noticed his hand resting on my abdomen. I was about to sit up and go to my bed when I realized just how nice it was to be curled into him. I was warm, and he was snuggly. So, instead of getting up, I pulled the blankets a bit, and that was when he shifted, readjusting the blankets for me.

“Are you cold?” he murmured, pulling the blanket from around him to allow for me to be able to cover myself up more.

“No, I just…” I was so shocked at being curled up into him, I didn’t know what to say.

He sat up, adjusting the covers, and lay back down, pulling me back into him. I’d just gotten comfortable when he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me against him.

I was on my back, blankets wrapped around me, when I woke up, sunlight pouring in through the front window. Tristan was gone and the house was silent. I wondered if I hadn’t dreamt the whole thing, and I sat up and ran my fingers through my hair and found a note on the table.

I was careful not to wake you. Breakfast is waiting for you in the kitchen, just needs to be warmed up. I’ve got things under control at The Biscuit. After I’m done there, I have to run for a meeting with the magazine and then I’ll take you to get your Christmas Tree. ~ T.

I softly smiled, remembering the look Tristan had given me when I’d been talking to Fred. He’d actually listened when I said I didn’t have a tree yet.

I grabbed my scooter and rolled my way into the kitchen to find a plate of scrambled eggs and bacon sitting there covered with instructions for heating. I placed the plate in the microwave and followed the instructions while pouring a cup of coffee from the carafe that had been left on the warming plate to keep it hot.

I’d taken my time after I’d eaten and took a hot bath, then dried my hair and got dressed. Then I bundled myself up and made my way over to The Crispy Biscuit. I went in through the front door and stepped inside. All the tables were full. I glanced around and noticed Trinity and Peggy sitting in their usual booth, both ladies waving to me. I waved back and then looked toward the bakery counter. The lineup was long, and I was surprised to see Tristan behind the counter serving up orders. He was smiling and laughing with each customer he interacted with. It was almost as if he’d been in Willow Valley his entire life. Cici was busy waiting on tables, and Melinda was doing the rounds, filling up coffees.

I scooted over to where Trinity and Peggy sat. “Morning, ladies,” I said, smiling.

“Brooke! It’s so good to see you. How is the foot?” Trinity asked as she moved over, giving me room so I could sit down.

“It’s getting there. The scooter helps. I was going to go crazy otherwise.”

“Glad to hear that!” Peggy said, smiling. “Things appear to be well here. Tristan is really fitting in.”
