Page 36 of The Holiday Dilemma

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“Yes,” I said, glancing over to the bakery counter and watching Tristan as he carefully packed up another order.

“He’s certainly owning up isn’t he?” Trinity questioned.

I bit my bottom lip as I watched him smile at Mrs. Cadman, who no doubt had come in for the cookies she always ordered for her ladies knitting group. “That he is,” I said, softly smiling at them both.

“Oh my goodness. What is that look?” Trinity questioned, just as Melinda approached the table.

“Brooke! Morning! I didn’t see you come in. Did you want a coffee?” she questioned.

I nodded my head and watched as she refilled both Trinity and Peggy’s mug then went over to the counter and grabbed one for me.

I looked at Trinity and then to Peggy. “What look?”

“My dear, you like him, don’t you?” Peggy questioned, glancing over at Trinity with a knowing look.

“Who?” I pretended as if I didn’t know who they were talking about.

“The gorgeous man behind the counter.”

I shook my head. “Not a chance. Do you honestly think I could ever like someone who tripped me?”

Both ladies laughed. “Brooke, then you better not look in his direction at all because you’re not hiding it very well. I can tell. We’ve known each other our entire lives.” Trinity laughed. “You haven’t looked at a man like that since John Longshire, the captain of Willow Valley High’s football team, in senior year.”

I couldn’t help but laugh. “I did have it for him didn’t I.”

“You did, and I hate to break it to you, but you’re looking at Tristan the same way you looked at John, but don’t worry, this time the man you’re ogling is looking back at you in the same way,” Trinity said, nudging my shoulder and laughing.

John had never given me the time of day. In fact, I wasn’t even sure he knew I was alive. Trinity was right on that part. I turned and looked over to the counter to see Tristan packing up another order. He lifted his head and met my eyes. He didn’t smile, he didn’t nod or wave; he just stood there watching me. He passed the box to the customer and then met my eyes again, then he smiled and darted into the kitchen now that the line had cleared up.

“Nah, no way,” I said, swallowing hard.

“Well, you can deny it all you want, but seriously, he likes you.” Peggy reached over and rubbing the back of my hand.

“All right, you two, enough about this,” I said, picking up my coffee and taking a sip. The two women looked at me, and then the three of us laughed.

“So, are you going to be ready for the contest?” Peggy asked, changing the subject.

“I wasn’t going to participate after what happened.” I shrugged. “Figure that it is somewhat pointless now.”

“Oh you have to. The entire town is routing for you!” Trinity said, nodding to the sign in the window.

I looked up and saw the sign announcing the contest that still hung in the window. Somehow, with everything that had gone on, I’d forgotten to tell Melinda to take it down.

“Good luck on the weekend, Brooke,” Serenity Johnson said as she walked by our table.

I didn’t even have a chance to say anything, she was gone so fast.

Just then Melinda approached the table. “Brooke, can you come into the kitchen for a moment? I need some help.”

“Well, ladies, that’s my cue. Enjoy the rest of your coffee, and I’ll see you soon.”

“Oh Thomas will be bringing by the hutch you ordered later today. It’s finally finished and honestly, I think, it’s one of his best pieces.”

“Oh wonderful, I can’t wait to see it.” I smiled.

“Have a good day, Brooke.”

I wheeled my scooter to the kitchen to find it was completely cleaned. Tristan stood there smiling. “What’s going on?” I questioned.
