Page 2 of Doctor Right

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Brielle was quiet for a moment. I could hear Emma in the background chattering away, then I heard Sawyer’s deep voice answer her back. I was so happy for Brielle that she’d finally gotten back together with Sawyer.

“Brielle? Is everything okay?” I asked.

“Could be better. My assistant manager has left The Cooling Rack. She quit the day before yesterday.”

“Oh, Brie, that is awful. I’m so sorry.”

“Yes, especially with the baby on the way.”

I could hear the panic in her voice. She’d found out she was pregnant again just last month. “Have you put out an ad to hire someone else?”

“I need someone I can trust. That’s why I am calling you.”

“Brie, I can’t. I—”

“You told me yourself that you’re looking for a way to start over. This would be it. Even if it’s just for the summer. I mean, it would help you and me. Besides, you are the only one I know I can trust with my business, and you have great managerial experience.”

She wasn’t wrong. I was looking for a way to start over. I also had managerial experience, thanks to my last job promotion. I really didn’t have an excuse, since I was now unemployed. Packing up and moving would not be that difficult.

“Well, when would you need me there?”

“Whenever you can be here for. Seriously, you do not know how much this would help me out. Plus, if you come now, you can get into the swing of things. If you don’t want to stay or your boss calls you back, well, it will also give me time to find someone.”

I had a small clue. I also knew how much it would truly help me put everything behind me. Perhaps a change of scenery was exactly what I needed, and the one thing I knew for sure was that my ex-husband wouldn’t be back in Eastport because he was here, in Boston, with his newfound love. I could run into them anywhere. “Alright, let me organize some things and I will be there in the next couple of weeks.”

“Oh, and no need to worry about a place. There are two condos available in the building we are in. Sawyer and I will get things started for you.”

Brielle and I said our good-byes, and I hung up the phone and looked around my small one-bedroom apartment. I’d barely unpacked in the few months I’d lived here, almost as if I knew that something else would come along.



It had just stopped rainingas I pulled up outside of The Cooling Rack. I cut the engine, unclipped my seatbelt, and stretched. It had been a long day. I’d had my meeting at Eastport General to see about office availability for what I’d hoped would become the home of my new private practice.

Afterward, I went to meet up with a doctor in the area who was looking at retiring. I already knew that a private practice was more my speed than hospital life. I’d spent my fair share in hospitals delivering babies, and I’d seen the shit that went on in ERs. I didn’t want to get my hopes up, but I was excited about the idea of a new practice and a chance to start over.

I picked up the file folder containing all the details on the medical practice I was looking at buying. The doctor had been kind enough to put the file together and had given me at this meeting and headed inside the diner. I frequented the place in the last few weeks and loved it. At this time of the day, it was quieter, so it was a good place to sit down and go over these documents before contacting my lawyer, I thought to myself as I walked to the front door. However, when I stepped inside tonight, it surprised me to see that more than half the tables were still occupied.

After looking around, I spotted my usual table and made my way over. I’d just opened the folder and began looking over the notes I’d scribbled down when a menu was placed down in front of me. I looked up to be greeted by the same beautiful brunette that was normally here. The one I was certain I knew but still couldn’t place.

She smiled. “Hello, welcome back to The Cooling Rack.”

“Thanks,” I replied, picking the menu up off the table. “What’s the special today?” I questioned, looking over the menu to decide what it was I wanted for dinner tonight.

“Well, you look a little tired tonight, so I’m thinking you need a cup of coffee, followed by the turkey club that’s on special, and perhaps finish it with a couple of my favorite cookies—the double chocolate chip.”

I smiled. Everything she’d suggested sounded wonderful. “That sounds great,” I said, setting the menu off to the side, meeting her eyes. “I’m Asher.” I held my hand out for her to take. “I figure it’s time we formally introduce ourselves. After all, you can tell what I need to eat.” Besides, I hoped that once I knew her name, I could place her.

“Bella. I’m the assistant manager here,” she said, sliding her small hand into mine.

“Well, Bella, it’s nice to meet you.” I smiled, letting go of her soft hand.

“You too.” She smiled and turned to walk away when suddenly it clicked.

“Bella, did you, by chance, go to Eastport High?” I questioned.

She nodded. “I did.”
