Page 3 of Doctor Right

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“You dated… Oh God, what was his name…. Miles Langdon, quarterback for the Eastport Lions.”

“Yep, that would be me,” she said, glancing over her shoulder as the jingle of the bell above the door rang out and two teenagers came in. “I’ll be back with your order shortly.” She grabbed the menu from the table and took off toward the kitchen.

I turned my attention back to the file in front of me and was soon deep into reading some of the information when a cup was quietly slid in front of me.

“Your coffee and cream.” She held up a small basket full of creamers. “As always, there is sugar on the table.”

“Thanks,” I said, smiling. She’d learned how I liked my coffee the first time I’d had it and had never once forgotten, even when I hadn’t seen her here for a few days. Most times, she’d even bring it over with the menu.

“So, did you play on the team with Miles?” she questioned.

“Yep, running back. We were always together.”

“Oh my God, now I remember you. Asher Harrison, right?”

“That’s me.”

“You took me home the night after the huge win. The night Miles got super drunk.” She giggled.

I remembered what a nightmare that night had been.

“I remember he was quite angry with you at the time for that.” She smiled. “He’d gone on and on about wanting to hurt you. He thought you’d made a move.”

The light blush across her cheeks caught my eyes, and I smiled. “Yep, he wasn’t thrilled with me for that.” I chuckled. “Him and I actually had a fight about in the locker room before the next game. The coach had to break it up.” I chuckled.

“I know, I remember.” She giggled. “I’ll be back in a few minutes.” She turned and made her way over to the table that had just left and began clearing it off. I tore my eyes away from her soft, curvy hips and went back to reading the file before me.

Shortly, a large plate was placed beside me, and I glanced over to see a large turkey club with a side of sweet potato fries in the center of the plate. “Thanks,” I mumbled, placing the documents aside.

“Those look important.” She glanced to the thick stack of papers while placing a set of silverware on the table.

“Somewhat…” I shrugged. “Just some business documents. Looks like the place kind of cleared out,” I said, looking around the diner. Only one table on the opposite side of the room was now full.

“Normally does. Our next busy time is coming up though, close to seven, right as the doctors start their break at the hospital.”

“I was going to ask what time you closed. I didn’t want to be holding you up from something more important just because I need to eat. No reason I couldn’t take this to-go.”

“We close at nine. You have lots of time. I’m normally here until ten.” She softly smiled. “You’re welcome to stay as long as you need.”

“Care to sit down and join me?” I questioned. “You must have a break coming up or something.”

“I do, but I couldn’t.” She glanced around to, I assumed, see what she had left to do. “I just normally work through my break at night.”

“That’s not a good practice. Take a seat,” I said, nodding to the empty bench across the way. “We’re practically friends, having gone to the same high school.” She slowly sat down, looking around as if someone might see her. “So, you work here long?”

“About a month and a half now.”

“And you, are you from around here? Wait, of course you are. That was a silly thing to ask.”

I shook my head. “Not anymore. I moved away for school. Then, you know, life happened. I’m just renting a small place here for now. There are some things I need to sort out in my personal life and my work life. Once I’ve got those things figured out, I’ll decide where it is I’ll end up.”

“Well, you chose a good place to figure things out in. Eastport has always been great for clearing one’s mind,” she said, smiling. “You know, in case you forgot.”

“Ah, so you’re still a local?”

“No, Miles and I, we moved to Boston after college. He got a job, and we got married. I’ve just came back to help a dear friend of mine and to do some soul searching of my own.”

I nodded, shoving a fry into my mouth. “Seems like we are both on the same sort of path. How is Miles? Is he here with you? It would be great to catch up. We lost touch after high school.”
