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I chuckled. “Melinda, I’m not sick. I really wanted to reconnect with you. It’s been too long, and it sort of hit me over the past few months. I’m retired now. It’s time to find out who my daughter is. Get to know her again and settle my ass down. So, as nice as a vacation in Cabo would have been, I had a change of plans.”

“Well, Dad, as wonderful as that is, and I am glad you are here, please try again.” she said, winking at me as she leaned in and smelled the roses.

“Wow, can’t put anything past you, can I?” I chuckled. Melinda was just like her mother. Not only was she beautiful and confident, but she, too, could see right through my shit.

“Dad, as much as I would like to think that I am the only reason you came to Willow Valley, I have to be honest with myself.”

“Okay, just know that I came here to see you, but also, my pen pal lives here.”

Melinda looked at me. I could see her already searching through her mind, trying to figure out all those who took part in the program so she could narrow down who it might be. I said nothing more. I just allowed her to sort through the mental lists she’d already made.

“Oh my,” she whispered. “Okay, there was Trinity, Brooke, Ava, Amanda, Mindi….goodness…so many,” she said, counting the people on her fingers. Then she looked over at me. “Most everyone in town that took part is married or in a relationship, Dad.” She went back over the list one more time. “I give up. Are you going to tell me who or are you going to leave me sitting here in suspense?”

“Peggy,” I replied, waiting to see her reaction.

“Peggy? As in Peggy Hollis?”

“Yes, and I already went to meet her. That’s where the flowers came from,” I said, nodding to them.

“I see. How did that go?” she questioned, giving me an odd look, as if she knew something I didn’t.

I shrugged. “Well, I know I shocked her. I mean, in our letters we talked about perhaps meeting one day. Then I show up out of the blue.”

“I’m sure you shocked her.” The look on her face confirmed what I was thinking.

I nodded. “Maybe it wasn’t the wisest move.”

“Probably not. She's a widow, Dad. I know we all have been on her to date, and I know Trinity had begged her to join in the program to find a guy to date. I feel partially responsible for this, because Peggy didn’t put her letter in the box to send. Trinity did. Peggy had thrown it in the garbage, and to be honest, I knew that and so I never should have put her letter in that bag.”

I frowned, wondering why she would have done that. “What? Why would she put it in the garbage?”

“Oh, Dad, I don’t know. She is a wonderful person, really she is. Just don’t get your hopes up that things will work out with her, or that something will come of this.”

I looked at my daughter. “Well, at least I can spend time with you. I mean, if you’ll let me.”

Melinda smiled. “Of course, I will. I’m thrilled you are here. Now, saying that, as much as I shouldn’t meddle, I’ll also help you with Peggy. I mean, she wrote back to you, and obviously has been writing to you since. So, if you have screwed up to start, perhaps I can help you fix it.”

“I’d appreciate that. Your old man needs all the help he can get, to be honest.”

Cici came over, and Melinda ordered us both a plate of bacon, eggs, and hash browns. “Breakfast should be out soon.”

“Perfect. So tell me, where are you living?”

“I have a wonderful little apartment a few streets over.”

“And this is The Crispy Biscuit?” I said, looking around. “You like it here, right? I mean, they treat you well??”

“You know they do. I love working here. Brooke, my boss, has given me a lot of additional responsibilities now, and I am working hard at gaining more. I just love it here. Such a breath of fresh air.”

I nodded. “Are you seeing anyone?”

Melinda shook her head. “No, Dad. I am career focused, and with all the extra work on that program, I don’t have the time. Honestly, between here and there, I have very little time to date anyone.”

Melinda continued talking about work and life here in Willow Valley while I listened intently. I was almost finished my breakfast when she stopped speaking and looked up at me, a smirk on her face.

“What?” I questioned.

“I can’t believe you. Showing up at poor Peggy’s house like a stalker. Dad, that is creepy.”
