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“In all fairness, I truly wasn’t stalking her.”

“What would you call it then?” she asked.

“Well, let me see. We exchanged many letters, we got to know one another, and I knew her address. We’d talked about perhaps meeting one day. I guess you could call it…” I tapped my fingers on the table, trying to come up with a word that would make sense. However, I didn’t have time as Melinda sat across from me, shaking her head.

“Well, Dad, we women would call it a stalker.” She giggled.

I smiled at my daughter. I knew she knew I had no intent of harming anyone, especially Peggy. “Well, call it whatever you want. If you want to call me a stalker, so be it, but I will tell you I hope I haven’t ruined a chance at getting to know her.”

Melinda looked at me thoughtfully. “You like her that much?”

“Yes, I do. I enjoyed reading every one of her letters, to where I began looking forward to them. I felt as if I were getting to know her. To be honest, when I saw her, it was as if I had known her forever.”

“Okay, so I guess you really want some help then?”

I nodded my head and stabbed at the remaining hash browns on my plate.

“Okay, so this is how we will do this. You will start by taking her breakfast this morning,” Melinda said, smiling at me.

“I wouldn’t have the first idea of what she even likes. How am I going to take her breakfast?”

Melinda laughed. “Dad, you forget, your daughter works in the most popular locations in all of Willow Valley! We also serve breakfast, in case you didn’t realize that.” She pointed to my plate. “And you are in luck, because I’ve served Peggy more breakfast than probably anyone in this town. Also, she called twenty minutes ago and ordered breakfast for delivery. I was going to run it over myself, but I’ll have them fix up her order and you can take it to her,” Melinda said, laughing.

“You’re sure about this?”

Melinda nodded her head, her body language displaying a world of confidence. “Trust me. Then after you take her breakfast, don’t go see her again.”

“What?” I asked, confused. “Why wouldn’t I go see her again?”

“Oh, Dad…really? Because you are just going to continue sending her letters. You’re going to win her over with words. You two still write, don’t you?”

“Yeah, but it seems silly to send a letter when we are in the same town.”

“Do you have her email?” she questioned.

I nodded. “Yes, we emailed sometimes too, especially if I was in a place without mail access.”

“Perfect!” She grinned and leaned forward. “Okay…so hear is the plan….”

I smiled as I sat there while my daughter devised me a plan to get to know Peggy better.


I stood behind the counter working on an order for Alexa, or Alex as she preferred to be called. She’d left a message last night saying she would be in this morning to pick up an arrangement of carnations for an open house that Serenity was running. I was just about finished when she stepped into the store.

“Morning, Peggy,” she greeted.

“Morning, Alexa. I mean Alex. I am just about finished. Just have a couple more things to add to your arrangement. Serenity called and changed a couple things last minute.”

“No problem. I’m early anyway. Serenity also asked me to pick up one of these bears for a baby’s room that I’ve staged.”

“I just got some new ones in. Take a peek.”

She walked over and looked at the pile of bears I kept in the corner. I normally used them for Get Well arrangements or for children. She pulled one bear from the shelf and set it on the counter.

“Perfect,” I said, smiling as I picked up the arrangement and placed the vase into a clear bag before I brought it over to the counter.

“Peggy, that is beautiful. I think Serenity is going to love it.”
