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I couldn’t help but smile. “You know, not that long ago you could barely stand the sight of the man, and now here you are, complaining you never see him. How times have changed.”

Trinity looked at me. “Okay there, pot.”

“Oh no, don’t you dare bring me into this.”

“Why not? You didn’t even want to write a letter to a stranger, and now here you are in a relationship with one.” Trinity laughed, sticking her tongue out at me. “A relationship that I’m thinking is starting to get pretty serious.”

It was true. Ethan and I had gone from strangers to having our first fight to now being practically inseparable. We spent most evenings and weekends and my days off together. Recently, he’d even started coming into the shop, repairing a few things here and there and doing some work that I was having a hard time getting done.

“I’ll just be happy once Ethan can start giving him a hand. He comes home at night exhausted. It would be nice to not have him fall asleep while eating dinner.”

I smiled. “Speaking of dinner, Ethan is coming by tonight. We are celebrating the close of the house.”

“What are you making?”

“Hmm, I was thinking chicken. I have a few recipes picked out.”

“Wonderful. Do you have enough for a third?” Trinity laughed.

“You know I love you, but…” I could feel the blush rise to my cheeks in wanting to be alone with Ethan. I’d never admit it out loud yet. I could barely admit it to myself.

“Uh-huh.” Trinity laughed. “Say no more. I can see it all over your face.”

I looked at my best friend and shook my head. “No, you can’t.”

“Peggy, believe what you want, but I can. You love him.”

“Back to dinner,” I said, trying hard to change the subject before I not only had to admit what I’d been feeling to myself, but out loud to my best friend.

“Deny it all you want. Just know that I can see it.” She winked.

I grabbed my lemon blueberry scone off my plate and shoved a piece into my mouth. It was pointless to hide this from Trinity longer, just like she hadn’t been able to hide her feelings for Thomas from me.

* * *

Ethan stood at the counter, seasoning the chicken for the barbeque. I watched from the corner of my eye while he worked. I’d invited him for dinner, and while I’d gotten off work late and had nothing prepared when he got here, he offered to jump right in and help.

“Where did you learn how to cook?” I questioned while I worked at getting the cork out of the bottle of wine.

Ethan chuckled. “I’ve been single a long time, and when you tire of the provided meals in the military, you take matters into your own hands. Plus, relationships are give and take. I never ever minded helping in the kitchen or around the house, nor do I now.”

Finally, the cork came loose, and I poured the wine into the two glasses that sat in front of me.

“So, we ordered most of the furniture for the new place. I think you’ll be happy with Melinda’s choices. She really set into the cottage feel and made selections to complement the mood of the house.”

“Wonderful. I can’t wait to see everything. When does it arrive?”

“Well, it should be there in time for the day I move in. I called Serenity, and she said that if it arrives before everything closes, they are more than willing to allow me access to the house to unload the furniture. It took a bit of pressure off. I just need to let Serenity know.”

“That’s great. I am so happy for you. It really looks like an amazing house. I will say I am a little jealous of the kitchen.”

Ethan smirked. “You can use the kitchen anytime you want.”

I could feel Ethan watching me as the words left his lips, but I couldn’t seem to meet his eyes.

“Did you hear me?” he questioned, reaching for the bag of potatoes that sat on the counter.

“I did,” I answered, still not looking at him. I put the wine bottle back in the fridge and then placed his glass down in front of him.
