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I will not lie. I’m hesitant to even send this letter, and perhaps I won’t. Perhaps I’ll write it, show it to Trinity, and then shove it in the garbage. In which case, you won’t be reading it. To be honest, Trinity is secretly hoping my pen pal will be a man and that he’ll sweep me off my feet as the heroes do in the books I read. I’ve told her that those things don’t happen to people in real life. She just shakes her head and smiles and tells me they must because authors must get their inspiration from somewhere. In her defense, she just reunited with her long-lost love, so she is still living that high.

Anyway, I don’t know if you are a male or female, if you too, like me, are widowed, divorced, or are living content with the love of your life. All I can say is that I am writing this letter hoping to find a new companion, a friend. I’m hoping for one that I can share things with, and I’m telling the truth when I say that I’d like to get Trinity off my back. *Laughs*

If you are interested in writing back, I welcome you to do so. If not, I hope this letter finds you well, and that it serves as a friendly voice if you are in search of one.

I will watch for a letter in the coming weeks, but again, there is no pressure.

Peggy Hollis

I put the letter down and took a moment. Then I went back to the start and re-read the letter again. Something about this was so real, so raw that I was curious to know more about this Peggy. I reached into my side drawer and pulled out the small notebook I kept there and a pen and began writing my response to her.


Glancing out my front window, I could see some of my neighbours were already up and about on this beautiful spring day. It was Tuesday. Normally, I’d meet Trinity for coffee at The Crispy Biscuit, but she’d already told me that this week wouldn’t work. She was busy at the store getting ready for her upcoming inventory blowout sale. Since Vi had moved into the retirement home and Trinity had taken over, she’d been finding boxes of books in storage. Books that Vi had ordered and forgotten about, or ones that simply had been packed up because they hadn’t sold.

I grabbed my coat from the hook behind the door and slipped it over my shoulders. I’d decided I would head over to The Crispy Biscuit and grab coffee and a sweet and take them over to Trinity’s instead. Knowing her, she probably hadn’t even had breakfast this morning.

I’d just rounded the corner and spotted Thomas, Trinity’s boyfriend, loading up his truck with wood. He’d started up Jenkins Woodworks right after selling his parents’ ranch and hadn’t looked back. In fact, Trinity said he’d been so busy he couldn’t take on any more orders until some of the ones he had were off his plate.

“Morning, Peggy,” he greeted me as I approached his truck.

“Morning, Thomas. How are things?”

“Can’t complain. Finally got the rest of my wood order in. I was getting worried that I wouldn’t be able to deliver those shelves you asked for until the end of summer.”

I’d ordered some new custom-built shelves for the flower shop, something that would hold vases and other items that I wanted to display. “No worries. Whenever you get to them. I’m in no rush.”

“Nope, you’ll have them on time, as promised. If I had needed to travel down to Cedar Landing to get the wood, I would have.” He smiled.

“No need to do that. I know you have a lot on the go. I can wait. After all, you gave me a tremendous discount.”

“Well, thanks for being understanding. However, Trinity said you had to have them on time.” We both laughed. “She told me get them done or I work morning, noon, and night until they’re finished.”

“Did she threaten to take away your breakfast again?”

“That and a few other things I won’t mention.” Thomas smiled as my cheeks heated.

“Oh dear.” I laughed. “Was she home when you left? I thought I’d go down to The Crispy Biscuit and take her a coffee and something sweet.”

Thomas nodded. “Yep, she was working away on organizing the boxes I found in my workshop. Vi had a ton of books that she never sold. Every time I find or open a box, I pray it isn’t more books. We hope they go in this sale.”

“It would be nice. I know she had found a bunch after Vi moved into the home. It might be nice for her to donate them to the home if they don’t sell.”

“Now that, Peggy, is an idea.”

“Well, I’ll suggest it to her when I get there.”

“Please do. Did you want a ride? I’m almost finished up here. Shouldn’t be but a few more minutes, then I just have a couple more stops to make after this.”

“No, it’s beautiful today. I’ll walk.”

Thomas nodded just as Joe Higgs came out with another cart full of wood. “All right, Peggy, see you later.”

“Mrs. Hollis.” Joe nodded.

I smiled and continued on my way. The Crispy Biscuit was packed by the time I got there. It was normally busy on Tuesdays, but today seemed busier. After winning the Festive Treasures Bake-Off, a day didn’t go by that Brooke and Tristan didn’t sell out of their pastries. Her baking boxes had taken off as well.

“Morning.” I waved as I stepped inside to find an exhausted-looking Brooke standing behind the counter talking to Tristan.
