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“Hey, Peggy,” they both greeted.

“Looks like business is booming.” I smiled.

“Sure is. It’s not even summer yet and we can barely keep up with the demand. I don’t know what it will be like when tourists begin passing through,” she said, giving me a small smile. “I may need to reconfigure the kitchen and hire bakers. “What can I get for you?”

“I’d like two large coffees, and I think I’ll take the last two blueberry lemon scones. I know Trinity and I have been waiting for those.”

“You and others in Willow Valley. It seems they are a favourite that I’d add to the year-round menu if I could get blueberries at a decent price,” Brooke said as she typed the order into her computer first and then turned to grab the scones while Tristan poured the coffees. They’d turned into an amazing team after the Bake-Off last year. Rumour was there may be a wedding announcement coming soon, but they had announced nothing yet.

“It makes them extra special that they aren’t available year-round.” I smiled.

“That’s what I told her,” Tristan said, placing the coffee down on the counter and putting the cups into a tray. “Is Trinity not coming in this morning?”

“No, I’m headed there now. She is working on that huge inventory blowout she’s having. I guess Vi had been storing books like a squirrel stores nuts. She’s been finding books everywhere.” The three of us laughed.

“Oh well, tell her to bring some flyers down and we will put them up on the community board,” Brooke said, nodding to the bulletin board that was packed with advertisements.

“Will do. Thanks, guys. I’ll see you later.” I waved, picking up the small tray and bag and heading to the door.

I was about to push the door open when I spotted Alexa Flores approaching. She smiled as she pulled the door open for me. “Good morning, Peggy.” She smiled.

“Morning, Alexa. How are things with the new business?” I questioned. Alexa had moved to Willow Valley just after Christmas. She was working in the interior design business and had partnered up with Serenity Johnson, the real estate agent.

“Oh, busy as ever. I just picked up a couple more clients. It’s been slow, but it’s picking up now that word of mouth is spreading. Serenity has been helping a lot.”

“That’s wonderful. So glad to hear it.”

“Thank you.”

“Well, if you need flowers for anything, you know where to find me.”

“I will. See you soon,” she said, waiting for me to step outside before she headed into The Crispy Biscuit.

It only took me another ten minutes, but I was finally standing outside of Bluebird Books. I could see Trinity at the counter sorting through boxes, a frustrated look on her face. “Never fear,” I called as I stepped inside, “your coffee and treats are here.” I smiled, holding up the small bag.

“Peggy.” She smiled, coming around the counter to take the coffee from my hand. “This is a wonderful surprise.”

“Figured maybe you could use a bit of a break. Why don’t we sit down?”

“You have no idea,” she said, looking exhausted as we both made our way over to the two large wingback chairs that sat in the front of her store and took a seat. I removed one scone from the bag and passed it over to Trinity, while she pulled the coffee cups from the holder and passed me mine.

She sat back, took a bite, and closed her eyes while she chewed. “Oh…this is good.” She mumbled, “I haven’t eaten since breakfast, and you couldn’t have picked a better option.”

“Yeah, I figured this would be the best choice. I ran into Thomas on my way as well. He said you were working hard, getting ready for this sale.”

“Oh, Peggy, there are sooo many books,” Trinity cried. “So, so, so many. I honestly don’t know what Vi was thinking when she just stored them away. If I’d have known she’d stuffed them up in the loft where Thomas now has his workshop, I’d of sold them off a long while ago. So much money in inventory, just sitting there.”

“I was thinking, if they all don’t sell, what if you were to donate them to the home afterward?”

“I never thought that far ahead, but I think that is a marvelous idea.”

“I’m so glad. I thought of it as I was talking with Thomas this morning. I remembered you told me that the home could use books to help fill their library. The last time I was out there dropping flowers off, I noticed how empty the shelves were.”

“Well, we will see what I have left. It’s a fantastic idea.” She took another bite of her scone. “Oh, and I got a response to my letter I sent. I’ve received a lovely young girl by the name of Valerie to write to.”

“Oh, wonderful.” I smiled.

The room grew quiet as Trinity studied me. “Did you get one?” she questioned.
