Page 101 of Hollywood Comes Home

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“Now, if I’m not mistaken,” Alejandro paced behind me, “you were in a movie where you had to torture your best friend or yourself. Am I correct?”

“I won’t hurt him!” I growled. “Fuck you, you fucking piece of shit!”

Cocking his head, he dug a finger in his ear, wiggling it. “I’m only in my thirties. Not hard of hearing. You don’t have to yell.” Sliding his hands in his pockets, he gnawed the inside of his cheek for a moment. “We’re going to play this a little differently from your movie.”

My eyes stalked him as he came to a stop next to Tyler, ripping the tape off his mouth with no warning.

Tyler spewed a pool of rich, dark red blood, drenching his body further. Looking up at Alejandro, he puckered his lips, spitting. The liquid splattered all over Alejandro’s face and clothing.

“That’s fair.” He laughed, meandering to Ian while wiping one of his eyes. “Now, Chance, instead of choosing to hurt Tyler or yourself, you’re going to choose your best friend’s brother, the only blood she’s got left.” He pouted mockingly. “Or you’re going to choose her husband, the only happiness she’s ever known. How does that sound to you?”

“Why?! You’ll just kill them both in the end!”

“Ah ha!” He beamed. “Bingo! But I want Ian to live with the pain of losing his wife for a while, so if you choose him, I just want you to torture him until he’s begging for death. Then we’ll let him watch us take his family before him.”

“No fucking way, you sick prick,” I spoke calmly, trying to process a way to get us all out of there.

“Hmm, let’s watch the way you speak to me. I’m getting really tired of the disrespect.” He reached over, pressing his thumb on the burn.

Tyler grumbled in misery, “Chance! Just kill me! Donotkill my sister’s husband!”

“No fucking way!” Ian snapped. “Don’t you dare touch him!”

Shaking my head, I folded my arms over my chest, narrowing my eyes at Alejandro. “I’m not touching either of them. You can kill me instead.”

“Chance, come… here,” Tyler wheezed.

“Go ahead.” Alejandro nodded once. “Say your goodbyes.”

Leaning down, I got as close to his face as I could without touching him.

“Please, I’m in so much pain, you have to choose me. Jen needs him. Just make sure Mila and my kids know I love—”

“Wait, wait, wait!” Alejandro pulled me back. “He’s not going to kill either of you just yet. He’s going to beat the shit out of you first. I may as well put him to good use since there isn’t going to be a big fight anymore.” Turning to Ian, he mockingly wiped invisible tears with his fists. “Boo hoo.” Spinning back to me, he pointed to both Tyler and Ian. “I’ll just choose for you.”

“No!” I snapped, glancing back at Ian.

“I… will… fight.” Ian gritted his teeth.

“Please.” Tyler panted.

Grabbing my head, I peered around the room. I wasn’t sure why. Maybe I was searching for a means of escape for all of us, though it was no use. We were surrounded. My eye caught a small shadow of movement behind a stack of tires in the corner.

Stepping over to Tyler, I leaned over. “I won’t fight either of you.” I spoke barely above a whisper.

Alejandro grumbled. “Why are you determined to waste my time, pretty boy?” Pushing me out of the way, he drew his fist back, bringing it across Tyler’s face.

His chair tumbled to the floor, causing his head to bounce, cracking several times on the concrete floor.

“Sit him up.”

Alejandro’s men rushed over, setting Tyler back upright. Stunned, his head rolled back and forth, limp.

“STOP!” Ian roared.

“Secure him.” Alejandro pointed at me.

The men raced over, one on each side, dragging me backwards, but didn’t secure me to the chair. I saw more movement in the corner of the room.
