Page 66 of Bernadette

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The nurse’s pleased expression slipped. “I’m afraid not. They’ll fit him with a prosthetic if he wants it, as soon as he’s ready.”

“Can I see him?”

She looked so upset, Tumsa put his arm around her. She leaned against him, and his chest warmed.

If only…

“I’m sorry, but I’ll have to ask you to wait before visiting Nobek Kom. His companion Mr. Larsen is with him, and the doctor in charge of his case has forbidden anyone else in his room until tomorrow.”

“Thank you.” Pale, Bernadette slid from Tumsa’s support and returned to the waiting room.

“Replacement limbs are quite impressive,” he said in an awkward attempt to comfort her as they sat to wait for news on Halmiko. “The technology is to the point where you often have to be paying close attention to tell them from normal body parts.”

“If I know Kom, he’ll have people buying him drinks to hear the story. He does love to show off how tough he is.” She managed a tight smile. Strong lady.

It was as good a chance to tell her his decision as any. “Listen, about your offer. If we can get Doljen to agree—”

As if his name had summoned him, Doljen appeared at the doorway. Tumsa hadn’t expected his reluctant clanmate to return. The shock that shook him to his core told him just how impossible he’d thought it would be.

Doljen’s expression was another jolt. So much agony. Such desperation. Their gazes locked, and he held out his hands as if to beg Tumsa for something.

The Dramok didn’t remember standing or walking to him. All at once, he was there, gripping Doljen in an embrace that he was afraid he wouldn’t be able to release despite the stiff body he grasped.

Seconds ticked by. Then Doljen clutched him too, shuddering against Tumsa. “I’m sorry, my Dramok. Forgive me.”

My Dramok.Tumsa’s heart broke wide open to hear him say it. He ignored those who passed them in the hall, openly curious about the unfolding drama. “There’s nothing to forgive, my Imdiko. Not a damned thing.”

“You can’t mean…oh.” Doljen pulled back, staring down the corridor. “One of Halmiko’s surgeons just left the operating room.”

They parted, and Bernadette joined them as the doctor approached. They stood there, neither of his companions seeming to breathe. Just as Tumsa couldn’t draw breath.

The doctor was drawn with fatigue, but his nod allowed them to exhale as one. “Nobek Halmiko is doing well, considering the damage he took. I believe he’ll pull through. We may have to replace a couple of organs when he’s stronger, but for now, he’s holding his own.”

Tumsa’s knees weakened, but he braced himself as he noted Doljen and Bernadette waver. He gripped them to keep them on their feet. “Thank you, Doctor. May we see him?”

“Once he’s out of recovery, and only for a few minutes. He’s extremely weak.”

“Of course.” His Nobek would recover if Tumsa had to donate every organ he possessed to save him.

* * * *

Bernadette fought the sting of tears when she saw Hal lying in the medi-bed, machines surrounding him and beeping accusingly, as if to blame her for his condition. She’d seen him sleeping, but this was different. He was so damned still. His features were stark and somehow strained, as if he dreamed badly. Terror for his condition lit in her gut.

Hal, you asshole. Iamfalling for you. She consoled herself with the thought that given she was willing to be his clanmate, loving him was probably a favorable condition.

He wasn’t dreaming, however. His eyes opened and found her immediately. To hide the emotions overwhelming her, she asked, “Welcome to the land of the living, you big lug. I washoping to bring you Fod’s head on a platter, but the cops wouldn’t let me separate it from his body.”

“I’ll get it myself.” He peeled his lips from his teeth in a weak snarl. “I’ll stuff it and mount it on my wall. Throw darts at it.”

“We’ll hold tournaments on the ship,” she agreed, blinking hard to keep from crying.

“You fucked Tumsa.”

She scowled to hide the flush of embarrassment creeping over her, to hide the tears that insisted on spilling. “Damned Kalquorians and their sensitive noses. Yeah, I claimed the full house of Clan Tumsa. What’s it to you?”

His bleary gaze shifted, finding Doljen and Tumsa. Their encouraging smiles were tremulous.

“It’s great, that’s what. It gives us something we can agree on.”
