Page 67 of Bernadette

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“What? That I’m the best lay ever?”

“Next to me.” He tried a smirk, but it faded in favor of his glare at Tumsa and Doljen. “I want my clan. I won’t agree to a permanent separation.”

“Easy, my Nobek. We’ll talk about it when you’re feeling better,” Tumsa soothed.

“There’s nothing to talk about. I’ll fight de-clanning in court. I’ll fight until I’m dead, if I have to.”

“Halmiko, we will talk about itlater.”

The steely command that appeared in the Dramok’s expression and tone rose the hairs on Bernadette’s neck. The respectful glance Doljen gave him told her he’d felt it too.

There was a lot about Tumsa to appreciate.

Even Hal relented under his clanmate’s power. “Okay. But you heard me.” His eyes began to slide shut.

At that moment, the nurse Bernadette had spoken to at the station appeared. “I have to ask you to leave now. Doctor’s orders. You can visit tomorrow.”

It was on the tip of her tongue to refuse. She couldn’t leave him when he was so drained of the strength she was used to seeing in him.

Doljen’s hand on her back and Tumsa’s on her shoulder quieted her protests. They spoke at once.

“He’s in good hands.”

“He needs his rest.”

She resisted long enough to kiss his brow. “I’ll see you soon.”

“Yes, you will.” His whisper was barely audible.

* * * *

Bernadette had an excellent engineer on her crew, a cotton candy-pink Joshadan named Vonin. Nonetheless, she was an engineer herself, and she needed a distraction from Hal and Kom nearly buying the farm. Not to mention, theRoguewas her baby. She threw herself into assisting with repairs.

Usually, she could lose herself in such work. Prayer had never provided the meditation mechanical and engineering work had, but that day, her mind kept wandering to Clan Tumsa.

She pulled out blackened components and assessed what could be repaired and what had to be replaced. Fortunately for her accounts, Fod’s impounded craft would be sold to cover her costs. Kalquorian law was very specific on that account.

As she worked, she considered her awakened feelings for Hal.I love him.She spoke the words in her head and gauged her reaction to them. They fit neatly where they should with a comfortable warmth, until she recalled how near death he’d come. Then her emotions sparked with near violence, with the same desperation that had come over her when she’d believed she might never find Doljen.

Her emotions were confirmed for two out of three of Clan Tumsa. Tumsa himself was a better than decent prospect as a lover and partner. Having discovered she could love two men,it wasn’t out of the question a third could claim a piece of her heart. Why not? Many women had multiple children and were able to love them all, even when they numbered more than three. Why couldn’t she love that many men at once? Especially given all she’d noticed about Tumsa.

“Captain?” Vonin trilled. He blinked long lashes at her.

She realized she’d been holding a half-shattered power converter for who knew how long, staring at it with her mind churning over her situation. “Sorry, Vonin. Toss this on the scrap heap and mark it for replacement.”

“I was wondering…”


“This would be the perfect time to upgrade theRogue’spower system. As in, a major overhaul. Fod’s vessel isn’t that old. It should fetch a decent price on the market, and I know where to find really good parts for our ship at a reduced price, as long as you aren’t particular about the source.”

Bernadette eyed Vonin suspiciously. For a Joshadan, a race known for its serenity and kindness, he was something of a rogue. He loved tinkering and renovating theRogue’sengines with an obsessive impulsiveness. He wouldn’t outright steal parts for the ship, but he wasn’t exactly scrupulous when it came to fair trades.

He did know his job, however. Bernadette suppressed a sigh. She’d hoped to earmark some of the funds from the sale of Fod’s property to help refugees, but theRoguewas overdue for improvements if she was to remain competitive as a freighter.

“Check Fod’s carrier’s market value and base improvements on that. Not a penny more, and don’t tell me where you get the components.”

His smile gleamed brilliant in his pink fur. “Yes, Captain. Thank you.”
