Page 68 of Bernadette

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She got back to work, chuckling. Her thoughts sobered as they once more turned to the Kalquorians.

She wondered how Tumsa and Doljen were handling Hal’s declaration he’d fight de-clanning. Were they now discussing it? Doljen had returned to the ship after they’d left the hospital rather than return home to Besyu. He’d said he wanted to check out the medical department, in anticipation of taking over for Dr. Z, who still planned to return to Adraf despite Fod’s arrest.

“I love working on theRogue, but with all that’s happened, it’s been ruined for me,” she’d told Bernadette. “I need to go home and reassess what I wish to do with my life.”

Bernadette understood. Had the unthinkable happened, had Hal and Kom died as a result of the attack, she might have hung up her career too. As it was, she kept glancing where their bleeding, motionless bodies had lain only hours before. It sent a chill through her every time.

Bernadette caught herself twice more in frozen reverie before she gave up on being of any real help to Vonin. Sighing an apology, she checked first her quarters, then Medical. No Doljen.

Her heart quickening, she announced herself at the door of the quarters Tumsa and Hal had shared on the trip to Lobam. The door slid aside, and she found Dramok and Imdiko seated on the beds across from each other. They glanced at her, frowning. The tense atmosphere warned her they’d been at odds over whatever they’d been discussing before her arrival.

“Doljen believes Halmiko spoke under the influence of whatever drugs the doctors gave him,” Tumsa said in lieu of a greeting. “He doubts he meant it about us being a clan again.”

Bernadette scowled at Doljen’s defensive and stubborn expression. “Or maybe he misses you idiots.”

“His injuries change nothing,” Doljen sighed. “I’m glad he looks as if he’ll make a complete recovery, but that’s all.”

“Bullshit. You were as desperate as I was that he survive. You care.”

“Of course I care. I never said I didn’t.” He glared at her.

“Good. Prove it. Give him what he wants.”

“After all that’s happened? Come off it, Bernadette. Some damage can’t be repaired.”

“Especially if you don’t give yourself the opportunity.” She flicked her fingers at him dismissively and turned her attention to Tumsa. “What about you? Are you still licking your wounds and feeling sorry for yourself, or are you considering what Hal said with an open mind?”

She ignored Doljen’s angry expression as Tumsa gazed at her. His tone was careful. “I’m willing to listen to what my Nobek has to say about the matter.”

“Good, because he deserves a second chance with his clan. I’m glad to hear you might be on the same page.” She faced Doljen’s ire with determination. “Do you deserve a second chance too? Or shall we let you wallow in misplaced guilt and condemnation?”

“Misplaced?” He uttered a nasty, dismissive noise.

“You know, Doljen, playing the martyr doesn’t suit you. It’s pathetic.”

“What do you know of what I’ve been through? What I try to cope with every day?” he bit out, turning dangerously red.

“How can you say that? As if you didn’t drag the same loss and guilt out of me seven years ago! We’ve both been hurt, lost not only those we loved but pieces of ourselves, and run rather than face the shit life flung at us. The difference is, I changed. Unlike you, I refuse to allow the past dictate my present.”

“Our circumstances are nowhere near the same.”

He was digging his heels in. Hal’s injuries had knocked out a few chinks of the wall he’d built between himself and his clan, but he was determined to block them up.

Fine. She’d change tactics and show him what he was missing out on.

She showed Tumsa her filthy hands, the result of handling old, burnt engine components. “I’m a mess. Do you mind if I use your shower? You can help if you wish.”

He blinked at the abrupt request and invitation. He glanced at a startled Doljen.

She began stripping, as if his agreement were a given. He gave her his full attention, trading tension for an amorous smile. “It’s your ship. I’m delighted to assist you in any way you need.”

“Excellent.” She was naked. Pointedly ignoring how Doljen gaped, she went into the room’s lavatory and left the door open.

Chapter Twenty

Bernadette switched on the shower and stood under its warm stream, careful to angle her body so Doljen had a perfect view. Tumsa obliged by standing behind her once he’d shed his clothes, cupping her breasts to catch the spray. He nibbled along her shoulder as she sighed and leaned against him.

“Relax. I’ll take care of you,” he whispered as he reached for a palmful of soap gel.
