Page 9 of Bernadette

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His companion signaled for a drink, his manner turning friendly. “It’s an adjustment for many. She’s one of a kind.”

“I picked up on that.”

“Security head Kom of theRogue.”

“Halmiko. I work security for an Adraf cargo transport, the name of which I can’t pronounce.”

“No news to me. I helped the captain search for you.”

It occurred to Halmiko that he’d propositioned Bernadette twice. Once in front of Kom. Unclanned Kalquorians could sleep with whomever they wanted, even if they were promised to future mates, but the empire’s current laws were in flux due to Earther influence. He might owe Kom another apology.

“Are you sharing quarters with her?” It was the most delicate wording he could think of to ask.

Kom appeared startled, then laughed. “No. I’m crew. I suppose I’m her friend too, but no. Not that.”

How could he resist? Unless… “You don’t like Earthers that way?”

Kom’s grin took on a lecherous tone. “I fucking love Earthers. Every chance I get, in fact. Just not the women.”

“Ah. Understood.”

He was pleased Bernadette wasn’t fucking Kom. She hadn’t indicated Halmiko had a chance in hell of getting in her fitted pants, but he was delighted to have one less barrier to the opportunity all the same.

“I guess you know about her search for my Imdiko?”

“She’s been actively hunting for him for the last six years. First on ships she crewed, then harder since she bought theRoguea few years ago. I joined the crew a year later. She told me when what little there was of Doljen’s trail died out, she started looking for you and Dramok Tumsa.” He drained half his bohut in a single gulp. “Kalquor’s civil war kept us from crossing your path until now. We were so busy running blockades to the colonies under siege, she had to let the search go.”

“You didn’t serve on either side?”

Kom finished his drink and waved for more. “The empire was happy with our success rate when it came to getting supplies to the colonists. I was formally recalled to the Imperial Fleet, but I was given dispensation to continue working on theRogue.”

“Sweet deal.”

“Fuck, yeah. Regular crew pay, plus Fleet salary, and a hefty hazard bonus with every successful delivery. Come on, man, are you drinking or keeping the seat warm?”

“I leave in the morning. I’m pretending to be responsible so I can do my job without a hangover.”

“Boring asshole,” Kom said with a friendly grin. “Man, was the captain pissed off when you told her Tumsa was on Haven. Half our supply missions were to that colony during the war.”

“What happened between her and Doljen? Did she say?”

“Have another drink and I’ll tell you what I can.”

Halmiko scowled, but he drained his glass and ordered a replacement. “Talk.”

“All right. You remember how we won the war with Earth, right?”

“By accidentally making it incapable of sustaining life? Who doesn’t know that story?”

“Yeah, it’s a fucked-up chapter from our history. Before that went down, the spyship that set it off discovered a tiny Earthercolony on a moon called Europa. Your Imdiko was onthatspyship as a medic.”

Halmiko nodded. Doljen signing up for service in the fleet was what had ultimately led to his prison sentence. “I knew about him being on a spyship, but I had no clue he was on that spyship.”

“They keep that spy shit quiet in the fleet. Anyway, the colony they found was part of a religious order. All women, all ages. Captain Miller was a priestess or whatever they called it there. Second in rank.”

“That’s how she met Doljen then.”

“You aren’t drinking.”
