Page 33 of Shadows Approach

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She glanced at Kuran, who appeared to be hanging on their every word. “I’d hoped you would. There are some concerns, however.”

“Such as your aspirations to continue as governor, as an elected official. The pushback you’d receive from Earthtiques if it were known you were seeing a Kalquorian clan could keep you from achieving your goal.”

“Remaining governor to start Earth on the right path is my biggest focus right now. All other considerations are secondary. As for Ken Bryant and his sort, they’re honestly pushing me in the opposite direction. After listening to his judgmental bullshit today, I’m half convinced to indulge in an affair from pure pettiness. It isn’t the only reason I’m attracted to your clan,” she hastened to add. “My interest was in place weeks ago where Kuran is concerned. You and Etnil have sweetened the temptation. I really like you guys.”

Rihep smiled. “We like you too.”

“I’ve always dreamed of being a sexual instrument of petty revenge,” Etnil said. He held his arms to her in invitation. “Use me. Abuse me. I promise I won’t cry unless you want me to.”

Rihep pointed a fork at him in wordless warning before turning to Stacy again. “Would you like to spend the night?”

Etnil said nothing, but he folded his hands and bowed his head in an attitude of prayer.

Stacy looked at Kuran again. He’d been her first Kalquorian crush, and he’d said little during the conversation. Did he desire her?

He spoke a single word. “Please.”

Her heart thumping, she nodded. “I’d very much like to spend the night.”

Chapter Nine

Stacy had experienced affairs since the original Earth had become uninhabitable. Most had involved human men, but there’d been a couple of Kalquorians as well. She and an Imdiko had enjoyed a few encounters at a rescue site following the original Earth’s sudden demise, then there’d been a Dramok lover on Haven. In the Imdiko’s case, sex had been more due to their shared curiosity about each other than an actual connection. The Dramok had been fun to hang around. Stacy had enjoyed his company and the intimacy, but there’d been a noticeable spark missing when it came to their attempts at a relationship. In the end, they’d settled for being friends with benefits. Their parting had involved little sense of loss.

The anticipation of intimacy with Clan Rihep was greater than Stacy had experienced in the past. She genuinely cared for Kuran, to the point where she searched for him eagerly when she entered the Government Hall’s official areas at the start of her workday. Seeing the rest of his clan on a regular basis had sent her into a nervous tizzy. Lately, she’d applied makeup and styled her hair with greater care than usual. She tried on and discarded a dozen outfits before finally choosing what boosted her confidence. Stacy was invested in showing off her intelligence and using her credentials to wow her male coworkers, but she added desirability to the list of must-haves when it came to Kuran, Rihep, and Etnil. She was only now recognizing how hard infatuation had hit, having successfully ignored the signs for fear they wouldn’t respond.

Thanks to Rihep’s invitation, she faced the truth. She wanted them. Thank goodness they wanted her too.

It was awkward, of course, being escorted to their sleeping room. They were going to have sex. There was no real relationship, save a newly formed friendship and infatuation still in its beginning stages. They’d had a few dates but hadn’t called them dates. Besides Kuran as a work colleague, Stacy wasn’t sure what she would have named their association.

Three men, one woman. Despite feeling self-conscious, she was eager on a physical level for the tryst. The sex she’d had with the previous Kalquorians had been intense. A trio of them at once?Intensewouldn’t begin to cover it.

They entered the sleeping room, and she hesitated, confronted by their massive bed. Was this a good idea? What would this change between them? Or would it change nothing at all…an option somehow worse than the others?

Etnil dashed ahead and tossed himself on the clan-sized sleeping mat. He posed on his side, head propped in his palm. He stroked his stomach and said, in the worst attempt at a sultry voice she’d ever heard, “Hi. Welcome to our boudoir.”

Stacy cracked up. He immediately switched positions, going to all fours. His ass pointed in her direction. He looked over his shoulder and licked his lips in exaggerated seduction. “See anything you like?”

Another change in position, in which he sat up facing her, legs spread wide. He rubbed his inner thighs. “Come get you some, Earther hottie.”

“Excuse me,” Kuran muttered. He stalked past Stacy, who screamed laughter. Her discomfort had vanished.

“Hey, I said Earther hottie, not Nobek loser. Big diff—”

Etnil was cut off as Kuran grabbed him and swung him over his shoulder. Kuran marched to the door, set the Imdiko on his feet, then shoved him a couple feet back. “Door, close and lock.”

“Hey!” The door boomed, indicating Etnil beat on it. “Hey, I’m the only one of us who’s ever had sex. Guys, I can explain to you where the penises go. Let me in!”

Rihep wasn’t laughing as hard as Stacy, but he was still red-faced with hilarity. “Trust Etnil to break the ice.”

“Are you going to let him in?”

Kuran shook his head as he stared at the door expectantly. “Locking it was to make him settle down for half a second. His beating on the door is purely for effect. It being his home, if he tells the door to unlock, it will. He can open it whenever he wants.”

Which Etnil did a second later. He leaned in. “Hi. Did I miss sexy times? You guys are so quick to finish.”

Both Rihep and Kuran pushed him to the hall, but they didn’t order the door closed.

He was beyond Stacy’s view, but it didn’t lessen his presence. “Okay, I see it’s up to me to get this party started.” A shoe flew in the room, whizzing past Kuran, who glared at Etnil. “Head’s up. Here’s the other one.” Another shoe bounced across the floor. “Staaa-cy. My feet are naked.” One of those feet appeared halfway in the air.
