Page 34 of Shadows Approach

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“What big toes you have,” she snickered.

They wiggled and disappeared. His shirt, a deep forest green that had looked amazing on him, soared over Rihep. “Why is it so cold in here? I could cut glass with my nipples. Brr!”

Rihep and Kuran smirked at each other. “Someone’s making excuses for when the pants come off,” Rihep taunted.

“Good thing I have such big toes then,” Etnil called. Tan trousers flew through the air. “Stand aside! Make room! Everyone against the walls! I’m coming in, and so are they!”

He strode in, wearing nothing but an ear-to-ear grin. Maybe he’d exaggerated the need to get out of the way, but his attributes were impressive.

It wasn’t merely his sexual appendages Stacy admired. He lacked Kuran’s bulk, but the streamlined muscles were rendered in perfect symmetry. Long and lean by Kalquorian standards, he was a vision of gorgeousness. Especially since his dual sexes were long but not lean at all.

“Damn.” She poured her admiration into the single word.

“Quid pro quo?” He grinned brightly.

She sauntered to the massive bed. “Well, I’m impressed by Kalquorian Number One. There are two others to consider, however. How about an article of clothing for each full reveal?”

She kicked off her heels and mimicked the pose Etnil had started with, lying on her side on the bed, head propped on her hand.

“Who’s next for the dress?”

Rihep stepped forward. “For the dress? I volunteer.”

He stripped and displayed a body just as compelling as Etnil’s. His torso came in view first as he shed his blue-and-black patterned shirt. He was slightly more compact height-wise, his muscles larger, but still in beautiful proportion to his frame. When the trousers disappeared, incredible legs completed the package…as did the impressive shafts jutting from his groin.

It was nice to be wanted, Stacy thought.

“You’ll notice his toes are only average size,” Etnil said, having sat on the corner of the bed near her head.

“He has toes?” Stacy sighed in appreciation.

“I believe I’ve earned the dress?” Rihep grinned.

“You have.” She stood and pulled it off, a feminine but no-nonsense tailored piece. She dropped it the floor and was left in her black lace bra and panties.

“Double damn,” Etnil breathed.

The spicy-sweet scent of Kalquorian arousal wafted through the air. Etnil and Rihep’s cocks were shiny as they lubricated in reaction.

It was very nice to be wanted.

She ran her thumbs under the shoulder straps of the bra. She eyed the man who’d starred in her fantasies the last few months. “What do you think, Kuran? Are you ready to get unprofessional?”

“Past ready.” His gray one-piece security uniform, tight enough despite its armor to give Stacy an idea of what to expect, was stripped to his waist.

She blinked, but not at the incredible hulking muscles she’d expected. Scars crisscrossed Kuran’s massive chest and carved abdomen. “Impressive marks of honor.”

“Most from fighting other Nobeks who’d gone a little space crazy during long deployments. I worked ship’s security during my stints in the fleet.”

“You told me about your service, but you didn’t tell me how violent it could be.” She eyed a particularly savage scar running diagonally from his left hip. It ended just shy of his brown nipple.

“That’s from protecting a certain Imdiko’s honor.” Kuran grinned at Etnil, who sighed, “My hero.”

“Really?” She sat again, gawking at the roadmap of violence.

“Really.” Rihep sat on the opposite corner of the bed from Etnil. “At a sports bar Kuran and I were drinking at one night. Cute young Imdiko—”

“Aw.” Etnil batted his lashes at him.
