Page 101 of The Arranged Marriage

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“What? Who? Fuck, Charlotte. You’re scaring me. Are you okay?”

“I’m fine.”

“Who are you talking about?”

I hesitate, not wanting to go into the details. Not wanting to rehash a terrible time of my life when I’m about to get married.

Oh God. I’m going to get married and what if Seamus shows up at our wedding?

“Charlotte, what the fuck is going on!”

“I’m sorry! It’s…it’s him. From Paris.”

“Wait a minute, the guy you had an affair with?”

Oh he makes it sound so sordid, which it was. The shame I feel over this is almost overwhelming. “He’s related to the Morellis.”

The line goes silent and I’m scared I lost him. “Perry? Are you there?”

“I’m here,” he bites out, going quiet again for a moment before he asks, “He’s a Morelli?”

“His name is Seamus. Seamus McTiernan.”

More silence. I can’t believe I still have him on the line, even while I’m in the elevator. I clutch the phone tighter. “Perry.”

“Where did you see him?”

“In the coffee shop in the hotel,” I admit.

“Go to your room and don’t leave until I get there, do you understand?”

“Yes. I understand,” I whisper.

“I’ll be there in fifteen. Stay in your room, Charlotte. Don’t answer the door to anyone but me.”

Before I can respond, he ends the call. I sag against the elevator wall, closing my eyes. Everything’s going to be all right.

Perry’s going to save me.

He has to.


Monica Murphy

Chapter One


The moment Ienter the suite, I’m turning the deadbolt on the door, my breathing harsh in the otherwise silent hotel room. I glance over at the bed, the messy sheets and rumpled pillows and memories of last night come at me, one after another.

Perry’s mouth all over my body. Between my legs. The look on his face when he first entered me.

A shiver steals over me and I tell myself to focus.

After I wash my hands of the sticky coffee leftover from me tossing it at Seamus, I pace the hotel room, constantly checking my phone, tempted to call Perry and ask him if he’s closer. The smug look on Seamus’s face still haunts me and I open my browser on my phone, entering two words before I start searching.

Constantine Morelli.
