Page 126 of The Arranged Marriage

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My cock surges back to life, just like that.

I brush her ruined hair to the side, pressing my mouth against her nape. “Did you come?”

She nods. “A little one.”

I feel as if my life has been completely transformed with one orgasm and she calls hers a little one.

Then I remember I already made her come once and then I don’t feel so bad.

My hands roam upward, cupping and kneading her tits, my fingers curling around her stiffened nipples. The need to maul her is fucking strong, and I don’t know where it’s coming from. “We should do that again.”

“I hope you brought more condoms.”

“I brought an entire fucking box.” Our overnight bags were delivered to the suite sometime during the wedding, thank Christ. I didn’t have to think of one fucking thing the entire day. Sounds like much of the same is going to happen during our honeymoon.

I frown, thinking of it. Do I really want to be away in Mexico with my bride or would I rather be home doing a deep dive on a certain Morelli relative and figuring out ways to get him out of my wife’s life permanently?

She reaches behind her, tugging pins out of her hair and tossing them onto the floor, making me chuckle. “You’ve ruined me.”

“Good.” I kiss her shoulder. “You needed to be ruined.”

A sigh leaves her. “I should take a shower.”

“I’ll join you.”

She’s silent for a moment, contemplating what I said, I’m sure. “How can you have sex with someone like that if you don’t even trust them?”

I shrug. “You just make it so damn easy, Charlotte. Why shouldn’t I fuck you? You’re my wife now. It’s your job to please me.”

She goes quiet, and for a second, I regret saying that.

But damn it, it’s the truth. I’m mad, but my anger doesn’t dilute my attraction for her. In the moment, it only seemed to amplify my feelings. I wanted her.

I still want her.

Any way I can get her.

“You’re right,” she finally says, turning to look at me, those blue eyes of hers eating me up. “I guess I’m so starved for affection I’ll take what I can get from you. Even if you hate me.”

I say nothing. Just crawl out of bed and head for the bathroom, flicking on the lights to find the shower stall is massive, with two showerheads and a marble bench that’s the perfect height for my bride to sit on and suck my cock while the hot spray of water drips down her smooth skin.


Chapter Nine


The moment weexit the private plane Winston arranged to take us to Mexico, I breathe a sigh of relief.

The air is warm and smells of the sea. The wind whips my hair into complete disarray and I wish I would’ve put it in a ponytail.

But I can’t complain. We’re away from New York and Bishop’s Landing. Away from our families and the threat of Seamus. The wedding and all the planning that came with it is finally over, and I’m glad.

So glad.

I know all of this is temporary, but I need the escape. I need to rest and relax and forget about my troubles at least for a little while. I know they’ll all be waiting for me when we return home, but for now?

I want to banish them from my thoughts and enjoy my honeymoon. Even if my husband is acting standoffish this morning. Since we woke up, he hasn’t said much. I blame it on him being tired. Yesterday was exhausting, both mentally and physically. Or maybe he’s still wound up over Seamus showing up at the reception. I know if the tables were turned, I would be.
