Page 148 of The Arranged Marriage

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I called her a dirty girl and I meant it. She seemed to get off on that faster than anything else, which pleased me.

It’s the only spot I feel like I own on her body and I’m going to fully claim it before the honeymoon is over. That is guaran-fucking-teed.

I send her hot looks too, enthralled with that sheen to her skin. How she seems to glow in the dim light of the restaurant. Her soft smiles and even softer laughter when I tell her something she deems funny, as if we share an inside joke.

Which I suppose we do. The joke’s on everyone who thought we might hate this arrangement made between us. I’m still not one hundred percent down, but I’ve adapted.

That’s one way to put it.

She’s more careful with her alcohol tonight, merely sipping on a frothy margarita throughout the meal rather than gulping down one after the other. There’s a difference to her, a confidence I don’t think I’ve ever seen before, and damn it, it’s fucking attractive.

I’m starting to realize I find everything my wife does is attractive.

“How’s your lobster?” she asks me at one point, causing me to glance down at my mostly full plate. “You’re not eating very much.”

“I’ve got things on my mind,” I admit.

Her plate is almost empty. “Trouble in paradise?”

“Ha ha.” I down the straight tequila I requested earlier, the alcohol warm as it courses through my veins. Now I’m the one who wants to get drunk. But not so drunk I don’t know what the fuck is going on.

I want the buzz when I fuck her later, because I’m going to.

Fuck her.

“Can I ask you a question?”

I shrug a shoulder. “You don’t need my permission.”

Her eyes blaze and I can tell she’s pleased with my comment. This girl. I don’t get her sometimes. “Why were you talking to Winston earlier?”

My entire body grows tense. “Business.”

That’s all I say.

A sigh leaves her. “That’s what you all say.”

“When you say all, who exactly are you referring to?” I ask. “And you better not say that dick’s name.”

“I’m not referring to him.” She shakes her head. “I’m talking about my father. My older brothers.Businessis always the answer when they don’t want to tell you what’s really going on.”


“I thought we were different, Perry. We’re both young and just starting our lives. I’d hoped we could start off together,” she continues.

“You sound delusional.”

Her eyes narrow. “And you’re rude. Can’t you see I’m trying to be real with you right now? I know you don’t want to talk about—him, but he’s created a huge wall between us, and I wish you would just listen to me. When I first arrived in Paris, I was a young, sheltered girl who ended up being taken advantage of by a much older, more sophisticated man. He recognized that in me—my vulnerability. I had a crush, and he saw his opportunity.”

My stomach churns. I do not want to hear this.

Yet I need to.

“You said you didn’t want to talk about him during our honeymoon,” I remind her.

She rolls her eyes. “When he’s the ghost haunting our every move, we have to confront it, don’t you think?”

I make a harumphing noise, sounding like an old man.
