Page 175 of The Arranged Marriage

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Like…what? I want something to take so I can get pregnant? I don’t think so.

But would it be so bad, having Perry’s baby? He’d be a blond-haired, blue-eyed little charmer. Adorable as can be. I’m sure our mothers would be positively thrilled. They didn’t expect us to even get along, let alone procreate and have babies.

I run my hands through Perry’s hair, making it wilder than it already is. He’s got his face buried against the front of my neck, his hot breath blowing across my skin, making me shiver. He’s still inside of me but I can feel him softening.

“We should go,” I whisper.

“Don’t go.” His arms tighten around me, locking me in place. “I’m having a moment.”

“What do you mean?”

He slowly tilts his head back, his heavy gaze finding mine. “I fucked my girl in the front seat of my favorite car. Best night ever.”

I laugh.

I kiss him.

I can’t even begin to describe what I’m feeling for this man right now.

Chapter Twenty-Two


“Ihad athought,” I say as I stroll into Winston’s office, my hands in my pockets, my mood disgustingly cheerful.

Meaning it’s even disgusting to me, how damn cheerful I am.

Winston holds up a finger, his phone glued to his ear as he listens to whatever he’s being told. “Right,” he says when the person on the other end finishes speaking. “And I’m telling you I don’t give a fuck. Find out what’s going on. Now.”

He ends the call and slams his phone onto his desk, immediately checking the screen to make sure he didn’t crack it, which sort of ruins the entire violent effect he was going for.

But whatever. It’s not bugging me. This is what happens when you have sex in your car and then take your wife home and fuck her in your bed too. I didn’t get a good night’s sleep but it doesn’t matter. I’m sated. Satisfied.

While my big brother is tense and grouchy as fuck. Great.

“I had a couple of text messages come through right before the wedding. I don’t know who they came from, but they were rude as hell. They were about Charlotte,” I tell him.

Winston rolls his eyes. “A couple of rude texts about your new wife and you’re only just now telling me about them? When they happened a few weeks ago?”

“I forgot about them. I’ve been a little busy.” I shrug. I didn’t necessarily think they were a threat, but now…

I don’t know. They make me uneasy.

“Let me see them.” Winston flicks his fingers at me in a grabby motion and I bring them up on my phone before I hand it over. He snatches the phone from me and reads them, his brows lowered.

“The number is blocked,” Winston says.

No shit, is how I want to answer him but I restrain myself.

“I know.”

Winston squints, reading them again. “It says ‘nothing a fat dick in her mouth won’t fix.’ You think it’s from her ex?”

“Maybe. I didn’t think anything of it when I got them. Then I was caught up in wedding shit and forgot.” As I lay in bed last night with my wife tucked up all around me, naked and warm and with her hair in my face, I remembered them.

And I didn’t like them. At all. Now that I know McAsswipe is up to no fucking good, I’m starting to wonder if he’s the one who sent them to me.

That’s so obvious though. Not very Morelli of him at all—they’re a hell of a lot sneakier.
