Page 252 of The Arranged Marriage

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Caroline approaches, pulling each of my parents into a hug. Even Grant, who goes reluctantly before he introduces her to Alyssa. We all make small talk, my parents saying more to my mother-in-law than they bothered saying to me and I can’t help but stand there, clutching my glass of water so tightly I feel like it might shatter at any moment.

Where is Perry? I could really use his support.

“What are you drinking?” Caroline asks me.

“Water.” I take a sip, my throat suddenly dry. What does it matter, what I’m drinking?

“Hmm.” Her smile is knowing, as if she’s in on my secret, and I remember what she said to me when we went shopping a few weeks ago. “Do your parents know?”

“Know what?” my father asks flatly.

Caroline smirks before she announces, “I’m fairly certain Charlotte is pregnant.”

My mother gasps. Grant’s mouth hangs open. Alyssa’s face is full of sympathy—I’m sure at Caroline putting me on blast—and my father says the worst thing of all.

“Huh. Are we sure your son is the father?”

My cheeks are so hot, they feel as if they could catch fire. Swallowing back all the insults I want to spew, I whisper, “Excuse me.”

Before I dash away from them, my vision blurry with tears.

How dare he say such a thing? Why would he think it’s not Perry’s child? I cannot believe he said that.

I just… I can’t.

But then again, I can.

He probably suspects I went back to Seamus of my own free will, which hurts. Though I suppose if he doesn’t know the full story, and is looking at it from the outside, I can almost see how he’d assume such a thing.

Doesn’t he know me though? Understand how I operate? It’s so incredibly painful that he would think such a terrible thing about his only daughter. He has no faith in me. I’m nothing but a stupid girl who finds herself in trouble everywhere she turns.

That’s what he thinks, at least. But no more. I am not that girl. I’m a married woman with a husband who supports me and a baby on the way. I’m confident in my position as Perry’s wife and mother of his future child.

I wish my parents could see that. And believe in me.

I find a quiet corner behind a towering Christmas tree twinkling with white lights and take a deep breath, trying to compose myself. I would kill for one of those glasses of champagne they’re passing around like candy right now, but I can’t drink any alcohol. I don’t want to hurt the baby.


That I even have to clarify that in my own thoughts is mortifying.

Blinking, I carefully dab at my eyes with my fingertips so I don’t ruin my makeup. Releasing another shuddering breath, I try to calm my racing heart, resting my hand on my chest and swallowing hard. If Perry were here, he’d know what to do, what to say to calm me down. He’d probably want to insult my father and defend me in an argument, so for missing out on that, I’m glad he’s not here. We don’t need to cause any family drama at the holiday party.

But I need him.


“Excuse me.” Winston’s voice suddenly comes over the speakers and everyone’s head swivels in the direction of the tiny stage, where Winston is currently standing next to the piano, a spotlight shone upon his golden head, his hair gleaming in the light. He’s scowling out at the audience, his gaze searching as he scans the room and I wonder who he’s looking for.

When I spot Caroline joining her son on stage, I realize my husband isn’t standing next to him, which was the original plan for tonight. Both brothers were going to make a speech, while their mother looked on proudly. Perry has been practicing his speech for weeks.

I glance around, hoping to find him but he’s nowhere in sight.

And that’s not like him.

He wouldn’t ditch Winston. This night—this speech was important to him.

Winston’s gaze finds mine and he sends me a questioning look. I can only shrug at him in return, my head swiveling left, then right.
