Page 70 of Unmasked

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I nod. “Yes.”

“Find out.” He opens his arms and spreads his legs slightly. “Here I am, the prey to your predator.”

“You are not prey, Eli. You are a gift. A treasure I’ll cherish for all eternity.”

“Does that mean you’re gonna do it?”

“I… I don’t know if I can. I don’t know if there are rules. I cannot just try.”

Disappointment floods his features as he nods. “You can call your friends, right? The guys from the ball tonight.”

“I could but—”

“Just to find out. Just in case.”

“I will call tomorrow.”

“No. Call now.”

“But we’re—”

“Now, Michel. Please?”

“How can I resist you?”

I reach for my phone on the nightstand, searching my contacts for Yves with shaky hands. Just as I press the button to call him, Eli closes his mouth over my aching cock. I gasp with surprise as soon as Yves answers.

“Are you alright?” Yves asks.

I laugh softly. “Yes. It’s Michel.”

“I’m aware.”

I laugh again as I clench the sheets with my free hand. Damn, Eli is good at this. “I had a question.”

“I assumed. I’m listening.”

“Is there a trick to, um, to turn someone? Can any vampire do it?”

“Yes, any vampire can do it. The only trick is timing. Do you recall your own experience?”

“Not clearly enough. My—” I suck in a breath as Eli gently bites into my thigh. “Erm, my lover is asking this of me. I was never told by my maker.”

“That’s fucking rude,” Yves says. “You could have accidentally turned someone.” He huffs. “Careless vampires should be staked.”

“Yes, well, he wasn’t terribly interested in my education.”

“I’m sorry he failed you. Here’s what you need to do.”

I listen closely—well, as closely as I can with Eli attempting to suck my soul out through my cock.

“It’s all about timing, Michel. Don’t get that wrong or he dies for good.”

That thought is so sobering, I feel my cock soften, which gets Eli to look up at me with concern.

“Thank you, Yves. I understand completely. I’m so glad our paths crossed.”

“So am I. Always here if you need me.”
