Page 69 of Unmasked

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“If you love me the way you say you do, and I do believe it, I get why you’re hesitant. But if you weren’t afraid to step into this new power, don’t be afraid to let me join you.”

I nod, but inside I want to jump up and down with joy. My fangs throb with need, my cock swelling again. I shake my head, trying to tame the sex and bloodlust taking over me, startling when Eli climbs into my lap, pressing his forehead to mine.

His scent is intoxicating, and I literally sway from the effect it has on me. Eli’s hands slide from my shoulders, up my neck, to rest on my face. I tilt my head enough to focus on his eyes, warm and full of emotion.

“I trust you, Michel. I want to be with you.”

“Maybe…” My voice cracks. “Eli, we should sleep on it.”

“Or…” He tilts his head, his eyes heating. “You should fuck me.”

“Fuck,” I whisper. I nearly explode.

“Or I can fuck you. Whatever. You can… you can taste me, Michel. You can have me completely.”

“Eli,” I groan, digging my fingers into the soft flesh of his hips. “You’re making me crazy.”

“Damn, you look hot. Have you seen yourself like this? With so much need dripping off of you?”

I shake my head. “No.”

Eli scrambles off my lap and runs over to the nightstand to grab his phone. When he returns, he opens the camera feature, standing behind me as if we’re taking a selfie. I stare at the screen in awe. I spent hours staring at my new appearance when I was first turned, but I’ve never seen myself aroused.

My eyes, still vibrantly blue, now seem to glow to the point they almost look clear. My features are perfect, my teeth white, sharp, and dangerous. Eli smiles back at me.

“Who could resist you?” he asks. “Who would want to?” He puts the phone down as he nuzzles my cheek. “And the best part? I know what it’s in here.” He pats my chest. “I know there’s something even more beautiful under the spectacular surface.”

“If you don’t stop saying such amazing things to me, I’m going to fall apart.”

“You can. I’ll be here to scoop you up and put you back together.”

I twist around to pull him back onto my lap, diving into his mouth as he laughs. I kiss him deeply, letting his desire seep through me and convince me it’s not a terrible idea to make him just like me.

When I break the kiss, Eli bites his bottom lip. “I want to make love, Michel. However you want it. I’ll top, I’ll bottom. I don’t care.”

My stomach flutters, but I know I can trust him with my deepest desires. “Obviously, I don’t know what I prefer, but—” Eli smiles sweetly, encouraging me to continue without saying a word. “—I want to feel you inside of me.”

Eli drags his teeth over his bottom lip. “I want to feel that too. Then tomorrow you can top me. Maybe you’ll be vers like I am.”

“I’m pretty sure I’ll do anything to please you.”

“See? We’re perfect for each other because I would do the same for you. Now, sexy vampire and man I love, take me to bed.”



I stand, lifting Eli easily and carrying him back to my bed. Although my legs are shaking, my heart is full. He’s even more of a dream than I thought he was. He knows what I am, and he still accepts me. Not only accepts me, but wants to join me. Can I allow that?

Doing my best to push the thoughts away and focus on the moment, I lay Eli down carefully, still hovering over him and greedily taking in his naked form, but with a new awareness. His skin is flushed pink with desire, his eyes on my face and full of heat, his lips parted, awaiting my kiss.

I sink to my knees between his legs before running my hands over his torso. His skin is so soft, so alive. His veins pulse with blood I can only imagine is sweeter than any pastry or candy.

“What are you thinking about?” he asks.

“What you taste like,” I confess.

“My blood?”
