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“Yes,” she confirmed. “Too bad you killed him already. I would have loved to…play with him for a bit.”

Gray eyes flared with amusement, signaling how much he related to her. “Yeah. Too bad.”

Klaus fisted a hand behind him, felt more scales flake off and had to let go of his disgust and catch them.

“Klaus lets me play but not much. Do you know anything about Broom’s Isle?”

“Not a lot, I’m afraid.”

“Well, have you heard of the warlock who went crazy and burned down his fellow witches and warlocks?”

“I’ve heard of the story. I don’t think a lot of people have. Why?”

Sapphire beamed. “I would like to be thrown to Hellhole, only so I could open it and experiment on demons. I heard they’re fun to play with, but Klaus doesn’t think so.”

That cemented her deranged status as Salford’s surprised look heightened. Salford backed a step, then another, his decision forming at that moment.

“Charming,” he mused, still gracious. “Klaus?”


“Congratulations on finding your mate. Have fun with all that…magic.”

There was caution in the polite tone, the confidence still there but the arrogance gone. Klaus nodded, biting his tongue from telling the man not to come back—already knowing that Salford wouldn’t because he wanted nothing to do with the witch. Sapphire waved enthusiastically, clinging tighter to Klaus in a display of boldness. They watched as the dragon returned to the clouds and eventually disappeared, and the alarm quieted down. The threat was gone…maybe not for good, but for now.

And it was all because of Sapphire.

Chapter 15

The moment the dragon was gone, Sapphire dropped her playful act and immediately succumbed to her anxiety, which had been raging in her stomach since the alarm had rung and she had figured out who this specific intruder was. It had been a whirlwind of emotions and decisions from then on, with the last one being her craziest yet. She hadn’t even thought it would work—but it wasn’t over yet.

“Klaus, I need you to listen to me.”

“I’m listening.”

The prompt response had her staring at him and realizing he wasn’t fazed by her act, nor her dropping the act in the blink of an eye. Rather, he seemed to be waiting for her next move, which gave her a boost of confidence as she squared her shoulders.

“I need you to circle the island, going further back than you often do. I need you to make sure that he’s truly gone—and when you are sure, I need you to send me a signal of some kind. Any signal that I understand from down here will do.”

She braced for the flurry of questions and was a bit thunderstruck when he merely nodded and was already spreading his wings. She watched him push his body up and fly away, willing for nothing to go wrong and no surprise attacks to come. Then she was on the move too, as she raced toward the nearest planted flowers on the shoreline.

Sapphire knelt, taking out the potions she needed and carefully placing drops around the area. She produced more until there were empty vials scattered around the sand and the front area of the island was soaked with her mixed liquid. When she was finished, she stood back up and backed away a few steps, searching the skies for any sign of a dragon.

Klaus didn’t appear yet, so she plucked out even more vials and sprinkled whatever flower she could reach, hastily making her way to the side and repeatedly glancing upward. She tensed at the glimpse of movement in the clouds and braced herself for the possibility that it might be Salford and not Klaus, figuring out her pretense and infuriated. But Klaus’s dragon burst through the puffy white, flying with purpose until he spotted her. The dragon inclined a head, then made its descent. But she didn’t wait for him as she was already closing her eyes.

“I call to the powers of the earth to grant me your grace and listen to my plea.”

This time, she directed her energy to her feet until warmth and tingles pulsed in them. When it reached an unbearable point, she released the energy forward, grabbing wayward strands and guiding them to where her mixed liquid was concentrated. Her body jerked backward at the first contact, the energy extending to insane proportions and almost drowning her with its power. But a hand was on her back, keeping her steady, and his whisper was all that she needed to hear.

“Keep going. Tell me how I can help.”

She nodded, then proceeded with her manipulation of energy until the flowers on the front shoreline shone. She wriggled her toes and waved her hands to sweep them sideways until the shine caught on. Like a chain reaction, it danced its way to every piece of bloom all the way to the back until she could feel the magic forming a circle around it. With it, she felt the island’s natural sheen solidify and thicken to a stupendous degree—but again, it wasn’t over yet.

“I need to reach a part of the sea.” She hesitated. “My sisters set something up that I need to see to right now before the glow dies.”

“Do you need to be above water or underwater?”

“Underwater. But not alone, because I’m not sure how much the next process will consume me.”
