Page 50 of Wolf Hunter's Moon

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“We have some other questions to ask,” Caroline smiled warmly at the old man.

“I have nothing more to say to you. You need to leave here.”

Ryland and Caroline exchanged a look. There was a change in his behavior since their previous visit.

“Well, actually, we were wondering if you know about the Vases of Destiny?” Caroline spotted the old man’s wince. “Is it possible the vases were buried here? A long time ago.”

“You must go,” Salvatore said, pointing toward their car. “Go, or I will call for help.”

“For help?” Ryland frowned.

Caroline let Ryland take over the questions, sensing he was onto something she had missed.

“Help,” Ryland repeated. “Not the police or city officials,” he helpfully said for Caroline. “Did someone come here after us?”

Salvatore took a few steps toward them. Perhaps he would have shoved Ryland out of the door if he were a younger man. A vein popped from his forehead as he resisted the temptation. Caroline reached out to touch Ryland’s arm. In defense? In protection? It didn’t matter. The moment her hand landed on him, she felt a surge of strength.

“Look, Signore Bonetti,” Ryland said, polite yet firm. “People have lost their lives because of these vases. All we want is to avoid more bloodshed. Can’t you help us?”

“Lives?Lives?” Salvatore hissed. “My own life was ruined because of …” His nostrils flared. He had said too much, and the realization dawned on him like a heavy weight. He staggered back. “You have to go.” He tried to slam the door, but Ryland stopped it just in time.

“If someone is threatening you,” Ryland said, “we can offer you protection.”

Salvatore laughed. “You think you can protect me fromthem? You’re just a boy. They have power beyond anything you can imagine.”

Ryland bared his teeth to Salvatore.

It was by far the strangest display Caroline had ever seen. It was downright animalistic, and though she did find Ryland’s gold eyes to be out of this world, she couldn’t understand why he would bare his teeth.

“Ryland …” she hissed. He’d been polite only a moment ago.

Salvatore staggered back. “No. No … It can’t be.”

“Tell me what you know. Icanprotect you,” Ryland assured the old man.

“Okay,Batman,” she said pointedly to Ryland. “Care to tell me what the hell is going on?”

Ryland’s eyes widened, and his face fell. “Shit. This isn’t … I can’t … How mad would you be if I asked you to go wait in the car right now?”

She narrowed her eyes at him. “Are you kidding me? Ask, and I’ll show you what I think ofthat.”

“Caroline, this really isn’t the time.” There was panic in his eyes.

It gave her pause. Where Salvatore was full of fear, Ryland’s panic was different. Deeper, somehow. Like a caged animal. “I don’t know what’s going on, but Icanbe useful.”

“Not with this, love,” he whispered. “Please, not with this.”

Salvatore used their distraction to try to close the door again, but Ryland’s reflexes were unparalleled. He stopped it from closing in the nick of time. “Oh, no, you don’t,” he growled. “This isn’t over, Signore Bonetti. We will get to the bottom of this.” Ryland pulled out his phone as he pushed through the door once again. This time, he breached the house. Salvatore continued to stumble back until he could reach for the phone.

Ryland waved his own. “I have people too.”

“Please, they will kill me.”

“Who?” Ryland asked.

“I … I …”

Ryland stiffened.
