Page 8 of Wolf Hunter's Moon

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Caroline had never really heard the name, but that seemed insane now that she knew the kind of wealth and power the family had. From quick research on her phone, she saw that BMA, as Wilder had called it, employed many of the Wolvertons’ own family members.

Wilder’s younger brothers also worked for the company.

One of these, Ryland, was of particular interest to Caroline.

He was the man she was on her way to see. Wilder had assured her that Ryland would protect her from whoever was after her.

This Ryland guy better let me finish my research, or Joan will have my ass.

Of course, Wilder had already warned Caroline that she couldn’t finish her report on the Vases of Destiny. It was too dangerous.

She didn’t accept that.

She would revisit the issue with Ryland just as soon as she landed.

As the flight continued to slice through the night sky, Caroline continued research on Ryland Wolverton. His picture was on the company website, and she’d been shocked to find that he was attractive.

In fact, everyone with the Wolverton or Lupine last name seemed to be made for the runway. They were a stunning bunch, but there was something in particular about Ryland. His eyes seemed to be looking at her in his picture.

He ran the international crime unit for Blood Moon Agency. Caroline didn’t understand what that could mean or what kind of job Ryland must do for his family. It was all very vague on the company website.

Then, there were the tabloid pictures.

The Wolverton matriarch, Valerie, was in many of New York’s top charities. She was New York royalty. How did a socialite end up having sons in the protection business? Shouldn’t they all be the typical playboys with more money than sense?

Caroline pursed her lips in thought as she continued to scroll through Ryland’s online presence. She was so engrossed by everything she read that she was quite startled when Carmella came by.

“We’ll be landing soon, miss. Do you need anything before we do?”

“No, thanks. Do I need to put my laptop away?”

Carmella smiled. “This is a private plane, miss. You can keep working.”

Caroline was a little shocked, but since she wasn’t a fan of flying, she decided to count her blessings and keep reading up on the Wolverton family.

She needed to be prepared.

Of course, if she had known what was waiting for her on the private airstrip at JFK, maybe Caroline would have done a bit more to prepareherself.

* * *

No sooner hadthe plane landed and the steps rolled down from the aircraft that Carmella was helping Caroline disembark.

The tarmac was completely empty save for one sleek black car that would have looked at home in a spy movie. A lone man leaned against the driver's door. His face was obscured by sunglasses as he bent over his phone, reading something.

Even at a distance, Caroline could tell this man was tall. Very tall. His stature was formidable. He was muscular and built to protect.

Yes. Ryland Wolverton was even more handsome in person.

His smile faded when he finally lifted his head, and his entire body tensed. Caroline looked over her shoulder, expecting to see someone standing behind her. Someone that would have warranted such a change in Ryland’s demeanor.

There was no one behind her.

The anger on his face was entirely for her.

Caroline rolled her shoulders back and tried to think of the best way to approach this angry man. She was usually a pretty good judge of character, but she could tell that this man would be hard to win over.

It was written in the tense line of his body and the way he stuffed his phone in his pocket and crossed his arms. He barely wanted to look at her, and once she held out her hand for him to shake, he winced.

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